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Short form of Jackson is Jack.
In 2018, 3 is the most common age for an American (U.S.) Jackson who is registered male with the Social Security Administration. It is the 412th most common male first name for living U.S. citizens.
My mother's maiden name was Jackson. She decided when she was in highschool that she would name her first child Jackson, whether it was a boy or a girl. I was born and she named me Jackson. Believe it or not, I am a girl. I am not a tomboy or masculine in any way. She never had a boy, but was able to continue her namesake. Names do not have gender. Jackson is considered a boy's name throughout society, however, the people I have known for more than a couple months don't think of me as masculine or butch because of my name. I make my name define ME. The people I have known my entire life will often not believe me when I tell them Jackson is a boy's name. They will tell me it's a unisex name, that I don't have a boy's name. I do, and I'm proud of it. Name your kid whatever the heck you want, because they will make their name work for them and represent them. I love the name Jackson and am happy that I am able to have it as my name.
My last name is Jackson but I will be married in Oct 2015 and new last name will become Parker. I am the last Jackson in my family. Because I am a girl there is no one to give the name to unless I hyphenate it and I don't care to do that. When I give birth to my first child, girl or boy, their first name will be Jackson. It makes me feel like my family name will live on. Most in my family don't care for it but guess what... frankly my dear... (you know the rest) LOL.
Please please please don't name your sweet baby girl Jackson. It is about as feminine as naming her Fred- please don't do that to her. I really do love this name for a boy though. I am due in March and this name keeps coming to mind.

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