Comments (Pronunciation Only)

The CORRECT pronunciation of this name is ee-vahn.
/iˈvan/ (Bulgarian)
/ˈi.van/ (Macedonian)
/jiˈvan/ (Belorussian)
/iˈvɐ̃/ (Portuguese(Brazilian)) [noted -ed]
I wonder about the Ukrainian pronunciation? I keep listening to this name's Ukrainian pronunciation on wikitionary and on forvo and it is a more open "v" but still much more of a "v" sound than a "w".The letter "в" is usually more like a "v" in Ukrainian, unless it's at the end or before a consonant, which isn't the case here, so I don't see why it would switch to [w] here.Іван [noted -ed]
Where I come from, it's pronounced "EE-vahn". But personally I like the "eye-vuhn" pronunciation better. It sounds more mysterious.
Pronounced ee-VAHN in Czech, Slovak and Polish.
Pronounced EE-vahn in Croatia.
Pronounced Ee-vahn in Spanish.
Pronounced as "ee-VAHN" (short -ee-).
Russian standard pronunciation of the name Ivan is actually ee-VAHN. [noted -ed]

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