I always thought the name Ira was cool sounding but too short for a first name. So I put it on my middle names list until I found this name. Now I can put this name on my first names list and use Ira as a nickname for it. I like a lot of names ending in -ina.
― Anonymous User 12/18/2022, edited 12/18/2022
My name is Irina, it’s a Russian name. I’m adopted from Russia live in the USA, and I’ve never met anyone else here named Irina. I get so many compliments every time I go out somewhere about my name. Maybe about once a day at least.
The nickname is Ira, I like this name but I find it a little rough and it's overused I know literally 21 Irinas. If you will go to Russia you will minimum go past 100 Irinas everyday. How do I know that? It's VERY overused and popular in Russia but no offense I still like the name.
I prefer to say it as 'I ree nuh'Not keen on eh ree nuh. Sounds like arena (word).
― Anonymous User 8/30/2014
I really like the name Irina. It's definitely better than Irene. It's sort of magical-sounding and also really firm and strong, but not masculine-sounding. I know a girl called Irina but she pronounces it I-rin-na, with the first I like the I in 'pit'. I like this pronunciation too, but at first I thought her name Erina or Erinna.
I really love the name Irina because it sounds fantastical, delicate yet strong, and exotic but not too strange. It makes me picture a beautiful woman with long dark hair and dark eyes.
My parents gave me the name Irina because they had a book named Irina. I live in Holland and the name Irina is not very usual in this country. I don't like the name because I wish I had a name you hear all the time. But my second name is Lisette and that's a nice name so I can always change my name. ;-))