Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Nice. It's got some cute quality to it that I enjoy.
My mother named me Imbi/Impi! You probably think my name is weird!
The problem with "Impi" is it sounds like... well, "imp". (An imp, for anyone who may not know, is a small, ugly demon-like creature who runs around playing tricks on people.) I can't take this name seriously because of that. It's the sort of name that I would give to a mischievous pet, not a real human girl.
I agree with the woman who made the above comment. This name is ugly, dated, and misogynous to be using. It also sounds like "imp". I can see why no one in Finland is named Impi anymore. Ironically, I don't have a problem with Virginia, which has the same meaning, since most parents using it probably don't have such sexist intentions.
Very impish, which gives me a different image than "virgin" entirely. The virgin comments above are unnecessary though, do you cough at Virginia?
Virgin, hmm. *cough* No pressure here...
I have to admit, I laughed when I heard this name. It seems like an odd thing to name your daughter. Unless you REALLY want her to be a nun, then it sort of stops being applicable at a certain point.

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