The real name of Horea, the Romanian hero, was Nicola Ursu (Bear). Horea was a surname; in Romanian "a hori" means "to sing". Nicola Ursu had a very nice voice, so people called him Horea. He is a very popular Romanian hero and everybody knows him as Horea, not as Nicola Ursu. Horea's popularity explains the frequency of this name in Romania.
Since Romanian is a Romance language, this name might also be related to Late Latin 'hora', which means 'hour.'The name from the Romanian dance might even have been borrowed from German 'hurra', a word which was used to describe joy. The words 'hurrah, 'hurray' and 'hooray' all descend from that word. And since dancing is a joyful thing and was a common source of merriment, the word 'hurra' might have become attached to the Romanian dance, eventually becoming 'hora.'
Horea, Romanian national hero, used to play the pipe. The origin of his name cames from the typical romanians melodies he used to sing. "A hori" means to sing in old/regional Romanian language.