Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Hillary Clinton didn't ruin the name, guys!
Aside from the association with the Clinton family, it's a poor name. The pronunciation sounds awkward and the meaning isn't anything special.The name is unlikely to get any traction especially considering the fact that Hillary is still relevant as a politician (despite what some will tell you).
It’s one of those names I have nothing against but would not use myself. Do I like it? Meh. Do I hate it? No.
Loved this name years ago. Hillary Clinton ruined it for me!
Wow, that's such a sharp drop in popularity. I assume it's because of Bill Clinton's presidency. On that note, this name is too associated with Hillary Clinton.
Not that pretty, and it's too associated with Hillary Clinton.
I love this name and I prefer and like this spelling better than Hilary.
This sounds like the name of an harsh, old lady. One that sells military secrets and deletes the E-mails. One that should be locked up in prison and never let out. One that makes people shudder when they think of her running the country.
I'm going to need y'all to stop s****ing all over Mrs. Clinton. She's been the closest woman we've had to becoming our first woman president and has paved the way for other women to run for higher office.
Hillary and Hilary don’t even sound that pretty and seem dated to me, not in that retro way like Jean or Sadie where they sound cute for a little baby. I also despise that lady known as Hillary Clinton and how corrupt she is with everything she’s done.
As an American citizen, Hillary Clinton ruined this name for me. It will forever be associated with a self absorbed, loathsome person.
This name would be ugly even if it weren't associated with Hillary Clinton.
I hate Hillary Clinton, but sorta like this name. Hilaria is even prettier.
Even though I'm voting for Mrs. Clinton this year, I don't think it would be a good idea to use this name because of all those controversies associated with her right now.
I would never name my daughter this due to that horrible communist Hillary Clinton. This name should be shunned like Adolf and Isis.
I don't like the name Hillary. It sounds too much like Hitler. You know, "Hitler-y".
I have grown to like Hillary Clinton, although I really don't like this name as much. It sounds pretty, but not for my kid or anything.
I like this name very much. Not only does it mean "cheerful", but it has a pleasing sound that is neither too feminine nor too butch. I prefer the double-L version myself.
This name is nice, but it has too many annoying namesakes Disney pop star Hilary Duff, actress Hilary Swank, and former First Lady Hillary Clinton.
I'm not a fan of Hilary Duff, so I don't really like this name. She is the first person I think of when I hear this name, and I do not want my daughter to think, "Hey, she's got the same name as me, she's gotta be my role model." Un-uh. Every Hillary I seem to come across is wild and mean and has no morals to speak of what-so-ever. I wouldn't name my daughter Hillary any-thing, but as for a middle name, I guess it might be okay. But still, it's a NO WAY in my book.
I don't really like this name, but it is sweet. I like it at times, and hate it at times, but it could work.
Hillary is a beautiful name and the meaning is very nice too.
One of my friends from Birmingham has this name. It suits her and I sometimes like it and sometimes don't. I hate it as a man's name, to even think of it as a man's name, eurrgh, our world is a strange place.
Hillary is a name that has grown on me. I don't know if I prefer 1 L or 2.
I like this name better than the version with only 1 "L".

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