Comments (Pronunciation Only)

The Dutch pronunciation provided is that of the form Hiëronymus, not of Hieronymus.In Dutch, Hieronymus is pronounced as:/ɦi.'ʏs/Rarely, people will put the stress on the third syllable instead:/ɦ'ni.mʏs/Source: (in Dutch)
Pronounced: hyeh-RAW-nuy-muws (German), hee-yeh-RAW-nee-muys (Dutch), hə-RAHN-i-məs (English), hee-eh-RO-nee-moos (Classical Latin)A famous bearer of this name was a 15th-century Dutch painter known for his depictions of the torments of hell such as 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' (1503–1515), Hieronymus Bosch (1450-1516).
The German pronunciation is hee-RO-nee-muws. [noted -ed]
This is pronounced "Heer-row-num-us." In the Roman Catholic Church, he was one of the great Fathers who translated scriptures from Greek and Hebrew to Latin.

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