My little brother is called Hayden. I always thought it was a girl's name. I saw my mom's birth announcement that was blue with the name Hayden, and I was so confused. But I do know other boys called Hayden. It's gender neutral. I don't mind the name at all. I like it better on a girl though.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2024
It's OKAY, possibly the best -ayden variation, but it's very soft and doesn't really have history attached to it (like many other -aydens). This is the name of one of my friends, which makes it a bit better in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 10/28/2023
So cool sounding for girls!
― Anonymous User 3/21/2023, edited 3/21/2023
The only -den name that sounds strictly like a girls name to me.
Just because a name is modern doesn't mean it's made-up "white trash"!I think this name looks so refined yet so modern! Besides, this website is just a name website - no one is suggesting you misfits use it for your own children.
I think that this name is unique and different. I’ve always liked the name Hayden. Anyone should be able to wear this name. It’s a very cool name, in my opinion.
I imagine a boy named Hayden, who is a very cool and goofy friend. This name is still VERY trendy, and blends in with all the Jaydens, Aydens, Kaydens ect. Hayden is a horrible name for a girl, there are so many other girls names to choose from. Use them. This name is definitely going to date.
I have the name Hayden. I am a male. I feel that it's definitely different than the other -ayden names. I've never looked much into names and how they feel to me, as I don't see names that way. But I definitely think it's creative and not that common.
I don't mind Hayden as much as all the other -ayden names, probably because of the homage to Haydn. I do see it as a masculine name, but also feminine as well, because the Hay- prefix reminds me of nature and the name Hayley. It sounds gentle on a girl but strong on a boy.
Hayden is a fine name in my opinion. It’s about as cute as Caden, Aidan, Brayden, and Jayden! While hundreds of parents continue on naming their sons John and William, there can also be some who give their sons more original names like Hayden. I’m in the minority, I think -aden names are pretty cute!
The only Aiden rhyming name that isn't modern and made up like Kayden and Brayden, exclusively masculine! :)
― Anonymous User 3/23/2019
Hayden is such a beautiful girl's name and I think it should be used more.
― Anonymous User 3/7/2019
This type of name is described as modern AND trendy. Most people think -aden and -ayden names are stupid and ugly. They also say they’re made up! So many rude comments about these names, sheesh! People, if you really think Michael and William are boring and overused and you want something original and Hayden is the best example as the opposite of a boring and overused name, why the hate? It makes no sense. You hate names that are boring and overused yet you hate names that are trendy and made up! I personally have no problem with such a great boy’s name like Hayden. Hayden is a nice name, and a masculine boy’s name at that! I don’t like it for a girl though! It doesn’t sound like it’s below harsh levels to be a girl’s name, but it’s good enough on a boy.
Why does everyone hate -aden names? If you hate overused names like Michael and Elizabeth, then what’s your problem with the opposite? I think Hayden is a strong handsome name for a boy, and I’m telling you, it will age well. I don’t really like the name as much for a girl, on the other hand, it’s kind of cute for a girl, it’s unisex anyway! Usually I associate unisex names with the feminine side, but Hayden is different! Hayden is more masculine in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 1/30/2019
Can you people please just shut up about "aden", "adan", or "aiden"? It's getting annoying and who cares anyway, IT'S A NAME DON'T JUDGE OTHERS IT'S THEIR OPINION!
I love the name Hayden as a girl name because it is unique and it sounds like a kind, strong name.
― Anonymous User 11/18/2018
My name is Hayden and I think it's pretty cool. I mean, some of my friends have a name like Kaiden or Aiden, and I haven't really met anyone by the name of Hayden. So I'm glad I have the name Hayden.
― Anonymous User 8/21/2018
All you that are saying that "Hayden is a boy's name" are wrong thank you. Hayden can be given to anyone. It means fire in Welsh, and I think it's a cool name. Name your kid whatever. Don't listen to stupid soccer moms and weebs who have nothing better to do. Let me explain why I like this name. I'm a comic artist, and one of my characters has the name Hayden. I chose it because I wanted something boy-ish with an Irish-ish flair. I also wanted a name that had connections to fire, hence my inclusion of the name meaning above. She's a strong, fearless character, and I think that's what the name represents.
I love this name, for a boy or girl. My book character, who is female, mind you, is a female and her name is Hayden Lilliana, and I think it goes amazingly.
― Anonymous User 7/27/2016
Wow, people can be hateful on something as simple as a name. My name is Hayden Elizabeth. For a long time, I hated my name. The only other Haydens I'd met were boys. Now that I'm 20, I actually like it. I frequently get compliments on how my name is unique and beautiful and how well it works for my personality. I also like having a unisex name, as there is no sexism when I apply for jobs.
― Anonymous User 6/7/2016
I'm rather neutral toward this -aden name. It doesn't sound as good as Aidan, but it's not as horrible as Jaden. I can see it on either sex, though I do think it sounds a bit stranger on a female, and a bit immature for anyone who bears it regardless of gender. I wouldn't actively try to convince someone to not choose it for their child, but I wouldn't encourage the choice, either.
My name is Hayden, and I'm a GIRL (gasp) I've held this name for twenty years and I couldn't love it more if I tried. I LOVE the idea of using boy names for girls. I got the idea from my own name. Everytime I tell someone my name, they always tell me how unique it is and how they've never met a "girl Hayden." I think it's a beautiful name, for a girl or a boy, and it fits perfectly with my middle name. (Ashley.) So put that in your against-unisex-names juice box and suck it. P.s. to all the girl Hayden's out there reading this thread, ignore these people and their rude comments about girls with this name.
There's a park in Ottawa, Canada called Andrew Haydon Park. It is beautiful! Hayden seems a bit trendy, along the lines of Jayden, Aiden, etc. But it's a legitimate name.
― Anonymous User 8/29/2015
I love this name! Aside from the actor Hayden Christensen; I also know a boy in my TAFE called Hayden.
My name is Hayden and I'm 11 years old. Why does everyone think that a boy's name can't be a girl's name? You guys are all upset because that name is popular for BOTH genders. Why are GROWN ADULTS commenting bad stuff about the name Hayden. When I started looking at these comments it made me feel AWFUL about my name. Hayden is a perfectly good name for a girl and a boy. Sorry for saying my opinion! Hayden is a very great name:)
― Anonymous User 3/21/2015
Honestly, I do think this could be used for both genders, but I truly think it makes a better boy name since it sounds very classy on boys.
I like this name on both boys and girls. I think it can sound masculine when paired with a masculine middle name like Robert and feminine when paired with a feminine middle name like Elizabeth. I have met boys and girls with this name.
I prefer this name for boys as it sounds very masculine. This is a cute, handsome name for a guy! ;D.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2014
Hayden sounds like somebody misspelled the great Josef Haydn's name and then liked it. Which is a mistake because despite his greatness, Haydn was a shit composer.
― Anonymous User 7/28/2014
This is a really handsome name! I like hearing it, but I wouldn't use it myself probably, because it is so popular now.
I love this name... For a boy. The trendiness at first bothered me, but I asked a name lover I know, and she told me that Hayden (as well as Aidan spelled correctly and Caden spelled correctly) is a legitimate name and has class. Hayden is high on my list, and I'm likely to use it if I ever have a boy. For a girl, however, I agree that it's trendy and annoying. Hayley is better Trayc53: I also shouldn't complain, BTW, since my name is also a guy's name.
I disagree that Hayden is dated on boys, because all the -aden/-ayden names are going to be very, very dated in a few years. This is even more true for girls, on which names like Hayden will sound absolutely ridiculous by the time they reach adulthood. Of all the -aden names, this is the only one that's actually tolerable to me, because it has some history of use before the 90's and I can imagine it on an older man.
― Anonymous User 5/27/2013
Jesus Christ, people, relax. There's nothing wrong with using traditionally boy's names for a girl. See, Jackie, Tracy, Taylor, Courtney, Ashley, Alexis, Ariel, Paris, Madison, Whitney, Evelyn, Quinn, Harper, Sydney, Vivian, Heather and plenty of others. Some of these names you'd think were crazy to put on a boy now. (Evelyn, Vivian and Courtney come to mind.) The truth is a lot of old "traditional" female names are just boy names made feminine, or boy names turned girl names. Girls never had a good stock of exclusively girl names.Now, as for Hayden itself, I love this name, both on a boy and a girl, but especially a girl. It just sounds so nice.
I love this name for a little boy, and I am so sick of people taking all these awesome boy names and using them for their 'super special' little girls.
― Anonymous User 3/1/2013
Hayden looks much better on girls. It is strong and classy. On boys, it looks dated and odd. (no offense boy Hayden's).
It's a really cool name--I love most of the Aden names despite popularity, though this name has a disappointing meaning. However, if I were to use it, I would prefer it spelled Haden. And I won't really know how to offer my opinion on Hayden being a unisex name until I actually meet a girl Hayden, so I won't get into that tangled discussion.
Got attached to this as a name in middle school while reading Simon R. Green's over-the-top-epic Deathstalker series, which has a race of cyborgs called Hadenmen, because they originate on the planet Haden.
I don't really like the name Hayden. In my opinion though, it seems more like a female's name. The start 'Hay' reminds me of the name 'Hayley' which is why it sounds more girly than boyish in my opinion.
Hayden is a male name and should stay that way. As for Hayden being an eternally young name, not true. I have two relatives, both men, with the name Hayden. One was born in 1807 and the other in 1924. The first Hayden lived to be 92 years old. The second, 77 years old. So I think it's a name that can grow with the boy for as long as he needs it to.
I don't get why this name is liked so much. Aidan is the only -aden name that sounds decent, and I don't exactly like the "Hay" sound at the beginning. Plus, it doesn't sound all that masculine to me - like it should be the name of an effeminate male who likes earrings and makeup.
I am so bored with this name. It's been going for about forty years and shows no signs of dying out. Now it's being used for girls as well. However, that's good news for all the Haydens out there, because you can't tell whether a Hayden is middle-aged, teen-aged or a baby. Or a man or a woman. It's the ultimate uber-name which is so nothingy it can belong to anyone.
I don't care for this name. It's overused. But I like it better than other -aden names. It doesn't sound feminine, but I can somewhat tolerate it on a girl because I like Hayden Panettiere.
I think this is one of those names that is versatile enough to be on either a girl or a boy. To me, it sounds like it could fit either a girly-girl or a tomboy, a jock or an artist. The personality of the individual, in this case, shapes the feeling of the name.And honestly, I am actually pretty tired of people griping about 'boy's names' being used for girls. Names are like any other part of language: they change over time. Sometimes they change faster or more drastically than others, but it happens.
― Anonymous User 7/28/2010
It's such a shame that such a sexy, strong boys name is so common for females nowadays. ): I mean, it's OKAY as girls name, but I personally feel it's much better suited for the male gender.
― Anonymous User 3/21/2010
To me, just such a cop-out name. Like the parents aren't creative, fear originally, just want something bland that nobody will scoff at. Well. I'm scoffing.It wouldn't be so bad if it at least had real meaning. Phonetically and meaningfully, it fails.
― Anonymous User 3/12/2009
I worked long and hard to chose the name Hayden for my son. Hayden happens to be a family name (a concept I was set upon using) and was a nod to my g'granddad, Haywood, a name I didn't like but was possessed by an amazing man. The name has served him quite well as people tend to respond positively to it. You, in fact, seem to be in the minority. My only negative itch is over it being used by girls (as a trendy thing) and that it may become a trend in general. But if either of those are the case it isn't as bad as the trend to name girls some Caleigh, or some version there of. I think the Haydens of the world are still safe in that regard. I honesty thought you would like to know that Hayden is not a cop-out name. I don't see how it really ever could be. Cop-out names are filler names, as in John, Anne, Elizabeth, etc. I don't think badly of those that go that route. The people I don't understand are those that use only trendy name. I know someone with several children, all more than 5 yrs apart. She named each child whatever name was the most popular at the time. Now, that's absurd. :)
I used to like this name but now I think it's too popular because it's an -aidan name. I also don't like the hay sound. I really don't like it on girls.
I have never heard of a girl being named Hayden. It's cool in the sense that it is unique for girls whereas it is getting pretty popular for boys. Still, I only see it as a guys name. I love the name Aidan also. But if I ever had two sons, I'd be stupid and crazy to name them Hayden and Aidan.
Well, I am a 33 year old woman named Haydan. I think it's a perfect name for a female and have proudly bore it for this long! Spellings can help depict the gender. So for those of you who oppose using Hayden for a girl. Check out my unique spelling!
People! There's no such thing as a "boy" name or a "girl" name. Yes, certain names are more commonly associated with certain sexes, but this is ultimately just a society-wide delusion. It should be expected that it will be violated at some point, and it is my opinion that such violation should in fact be encouraged, as should be the case in regard to all delusions.
― Anonymous User 7/9/2008
I LOVE this name. I looked up Aidan/Aiden and remembered thinking I like Hayden SO much better! It's way cooler and just better sounding than Aiden/Aidan, Jayden--for sure, and Brayden, and above all the Caden/Kadens. And other -aden names by all means. It's JUST TOO BAD way too many girls are being named Hayden. I would LOVE to name my son Hayden, but if he has a girl classmate named Hayden in the future, I would HATE for him to tell us at home that Mom, the teacher always says Hayden, come here please, yes Hayden? Hayden! And I listen up, and it's really that girl Hayden, not me. And see, in 2007, in the US it was ranked #194! That is REALLY popular for girls, if it's in the 100's even! I would LOVE to use Hayden for my little son but I MIGHT have to cut it off and use this wonderful name as his middle name because of the Hayden girl thing. Come on moms, there are many pretty GIRLS names out there, why give your little girls BOYS names? It sounds so manly for a little girl, and NOT ladylike for a woman of ANY age.
This name is immensely popular and overused right now, so I wouldn't even consider using it, especially since so many people have named their kids names that rhyme with this name. However, I think this is a great name, but only for guys. I can't imagine a woman named Hayden. It sounds more like a name for a tomboy than a woman, as it's quite masculine. Masculine names just don't sound right on any other females than tomboyish girls and young women with androgynous or indie looks. After that, the coolness of the name wears off.
Hayden lake, Idaho is known for their annual Nazi parade and Nazi compound which in recent years has left the area but I still think Nazi when I hear this.
I could potentially like this name for a boy, but since it's become flavor of the month, I can't see myself ever using it. For on a boy it sounds incredibly trendy and on for a girl, it's just utterly ridiculous. Maybe for a boy, but never ever never for a girl!
I don't understand. How can you like Hayden for a boy or a girl when you know it is pretty much the ultimate trendy name? Is anyone else sick of hearing Aiden, Aidan, Hayden, Brayden, Braden, Caden, Kaden, Jaden, and Jayden in all of the BA's? I think that it's better on a boy, but I find myself unhappy when I hear this name.
― Anonymous User 7/16/2007
So tired of strong boy names like Hayden being turned into the trendy girl name of the moment! So many fantastic girl names out there already, please o please stop taking our great boy names away!
― Anonymous User 5/14/2007
Yes, I agree. There are too many boy names that are being turned feminine. It leaves the boys with names that are either ridiculously popular, girly because girls are using it, or just really weird sounding. I had a son, and it took forever for me and my husband to find a name we wanted for him for the reasons mentioned above; we settled for the popular Ethan. It's popularity was the only thing I didn't like about it but I didn't want a unisex name for him or something completely bizarre sounding.
― Anonymous User 10/5/2007
I am due in August with a baby boy. And I am naming him Hayden William. I love this name and once my husband heard it, there wasn't any going back.
I love this name and would name my son or daughter Hayden. I know someone who named their sons Hayden and Tristan and I think the names go great together.
― Anonymous User 9/24/2006
I love this name! It is masculine, not meant for a girl at all unless they were hoping for a bit of a tomboy. It flows well with so many middle/last names.
I like this name, but only for boys. Unfortunately, it seems to follow the trend of all the names ending with "-aden".
― Anonymous User 7/10/2006
I love the name Hayden. I think it is beautiful and would love to someday name my daughter Hayden Elizabeth, but if I don't have a dsughter I would name my son Hayden, though I prefer it for a girl.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2006
I agree that this is a boy's name and I think it is a terrible thing to do to a little girl.
I also feel that this name is masculine sounding and would only use it for a boy.
― Anonymous User 5/26/2006
I love this name and will name my daughter this but spelt Haydn, like the Welsh name! This is a beautiful name and is very unique either for a boy or girl!
I think that Hayden is a great name -- but I like it more for a boy than a girl. I think that if I have a boy, one of the top picks for his name will be Hayden.
Hayden should be just a boy's name. I wouldn't want to be named Hayden. Only if I was a boy.
― Anonymous User 8/15/2005
It's bothering me that a lot of people are giving their kids guy's names. Well, I shouldn't be complaining because my name (Tracy) was originally a guy's name... but still! Hayden doesn't really sound like a girl's name to me.
― Anonymous User 5/9/2005
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