Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It reminds me of the word Hase (German for hare)Update: "Hasse" means "hate" in German.
The book 'Hasse Simonsdochter' was (is) my favourite book when I was young. It was the first book that made me cry. So beautiful! Though Hasse likely never really existed, the book tells about a part of the history of The Netherlands. The man she falls in love with, was a real historic figure. The name Hasse belongs to a strong and brave girl in my opinion.
I agree with the first comment; it, in fact, does mean "hate" in German, so if you are Swedish, keep that in mind.
I doubt this is pronounced the same way as the German word, but I still can't get myself to like this name because where I come from, it means "hate".

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