Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Harper Finkle.
Harper McCoy is the main character in Maddie Ziegler’s book The Audition, The Callback, The Competition.
Harper Lee is a good namesake.
Harper Minecraft.
Harper Lee's real name is actually "Nelle". Harper was her middle name.
Nelle "Harper" Lee was an American novelist, most known for her book To Kill A Mockingbird.
A little girl named Harper Tesar was the subject of several news stories in spring 2014 after a picture of her went viral. In the picture, baby Harper, waiting to meet her father for the first time after he was deployed to Afghanistan, is sitting behind a sign that reads, "Hey, I just met you & this is crazy but my name's HARPER & I'm your baby!"
David and Victoria Beckham today had their first daughter, Harper Seven Beckham.
Harper Ashby, the hero of Nora Robert's novel Red Lily and the In The Garden trilogy.
Stephen Harper is the 22nd Prime Minister of Canada and has Harper as his last name.
Harper is the name of Alex's best friend on the Disney Channel show, Wizards of Waverly Place.
In West Virginia there is a place called Harper's Ferry.
The writer Harper Lee's full name was Nelle Harper Lee. She is known for never having done an interview with the media or biographers.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, but Harper is the name of Joe Pitt's wife in Tony Kushner's award-winning play "Angels in America." That and Harper Lee are really the only times I've seen the name used. And, having not read "To Kill a Mockingbird", I more readily associate Harper with a female than a male.

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