Normally Welsh girl's names have to be spelled Gwen and the males Gwyn, but this one is the exception since it comes from Gwynaeth, the Welsh word for joy rather than the Gwen/Gwyn word.
― Anonymous User 7/18/2016
I want to like this name, but unfortunately I can't help but think of that repulsive, overexposed, hypocritical "celebrity" Gwyneth Paltrow.
I prefer Gwyneth over Gwenyth by a mile. However, my best friend, Gwyneth, pronounces her name like Gwen-ith, and I prefer this pronunciation over Gwin-eth.
Even though I love the name Guinevere, regardless of whether you pronounce it GWEN-eneveer or GWYN-eveer, I hate this name. It always sounded old-fashioned to me somehow, like the name of old people. I don't like the ending with the ''th''.