Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Just leave it as a surname.
Griffin is an Irish surname. Not loving it as a first name because it’s strange to me for a last name to be used as a first but it’s a good name imo.
Griffin is old, traditional, strong. It is a good middle name. It makes me think of medieval times/knights.
Not a fan of it, especially because it reminds me of that sociopath Peter Griffin from one of my least favorite cartoons.
I don't like this name at all. It's a mutant killer bird.
Coolest. Name. EVER! Besides the meaning, I don’t think I need to go into why this is true.
Not my personal choice for a first name. The meaning is cool though. If I would use it, I would have it have it as a middle name.
One of the ugliest names I have heard of.
Woooow soooo cool.
Griffin is awesome.
Absolute crap for a first name, I know 2 people (a teacher and a child) with this as their surname, much too surnamey.
Griffins are awesome, but as a given name...
It’s common but not too bad. I think it’s fine.
I'm sorry, but it reminds me of Peter Griffin.
It's an okay name. While I like the sound of Griffin, it's a tad too surname-y for me, although I'd consider using it as a middle name.
I love this name; we chose it for our son. I have a famous name (if you understand my username then you will get it) and so we were careful when we chose this one. The Harry Potter reference comes up but is not a super duper common. Most folks tell us that it is an original name and that they love it. It has been a big hit with folks my age.
I have a biased view of this name, it being mine and all. But it's been a great ice breaker of a name. People asking wither or not I actually like the franchises it's associated with. The nicknames have never really been a problem.
I personally think Griffin is a wonderful name. I have a great friend named Griffin, and he loves Harry Potter. He doesn't mind being called Gryffindor or Griff Griff on occasion. It's a name that portrays strength and leadership, even in the most geekiest of males.
My name is Griffin and yes, I do hear many times my name referred to Griffindor from Harry Potter. Yes, it is annoying but currently the comparison to Peter Griffin is more annoying. I have not gotten invested into either Harry Potter or Family Guy, so this is often very annoying to me. (I'm 16 years old by the way).
I don't understand why people are so cruel. Just because you don't prefer the name doesn't mean you are obligated to bash on it and make people feel bad. DO NOT compare it to a smoker's cough or an idiot or coffin. I would not name a child this name but I would a dog, for example.
My daughter has picked out Griffin... I love it... strong and very masculine...
When naming a child you always have to run through how the name will sound throughout the various stages of their lives, from infant to adulthood. It's also worth thinking through possible nicknames that will be created and assigned by their peers. Griffin is cute for a baby boy. It transitions well through the young child and teenage years as it will undoubtedly be shortened to "Griff." It's unique enough to give them individuality during the college and young adult years. Then, as an adult, it gives a grown man a youthful sounding name. A great benefit to this name is the fact that your Griffin will never encounter a female with the same name. That's becoming a rare quality in a male name as people are more commonly assigning females with popular male names. Names like "Andy, Michael, James, Randy, etc" that have traditionally been boy names are very commonly given to girls now. The name Griffin is so hyper-masculine that I don't imagine the trend will go that far.
Very nerdy or geeky.
I like this name- it reminds me of someone chivalrous and heroic, just like a medieval knight. And, nerd alert, it reminds me of Gryffindor from Harry Potter. The Griffin in mythology is a very interesting and cool connection.
Love this name! It's handsome, masculine, and not too common. I don't think kids will associate it with Harry Potter. The Harry Potter craze is dying down, so by the time Griffin turns 8, kids probably won't even know what Harry Potter is.Or maybe I'm wrong and he's set up for a lifetime of teasing. I still love it though.
Sounds very masculine. I like some surnames as first names for boys. It's refreshing from all the usual boy names that get seriously overused (think Michael, David, John, Joshua, etc).
I really like this name - it has a nice homey sound to it, yet also has fantastic mythological connotations. I must say though that all the Griffins I've met have been super-nerdy.
I've always thought this was such a cool name. I'm 15 and I don't associate this name with Harry Potter at all. Not all young people like Harry Potter... But I think that this is a great, unique, cool, and strong name. I have a friend named Griffin and he gets complimented on it all the time :)
Too "dirty" sounding for me. I don't care for it.
I love the name Griffin. It's very masculine and uncommon. I HATE the nicknames Griff or Griffy, I prefer Finn. I probably wouldn't name my child Griffin though. :(
I love griffins, but I could never name my child this.
I like this name, but I'm not sure why. Maybe because of the mythological creature. I'm not sure if I'd name my son this. It would be a great name for a heroic character, though.
When I first heard this name, I thought it was one of the ugliest ever. But it has since grown on me, and now I like it. I think the mythological connection is cool and it sounds strong and brave. What's also nice is it isn't too common.
For a first name: maybe not. For a middle name: yeah, definitely.
I love the name Griffin. I think it's so unique. The only drawback is I don't like the nickname Griff at all.
I love this name, even if it seems Harry-Pottery now. I know only one Griffin, who happens to be huge fan. I believe it is also used as a surname in England or Ireland with this spelling.
Griffin is a great name! I really love it. It has a strong yet mystical quality to it. I would considering using it for a future son.
I like Griffin. It was high on our list for our last son. It's noble/medieval in sound. With the "Harry Potter Craze" I would be more hesitant to use it though.
I'm sorry but whenever I see Griffin, the spelling reminds me of "coffin".
I very much like this name (also the spellings Gryphon and Gryffin). I also like Gryffindor, nickname Gryffin/Griffin, as I love Harry Potter. No, it sounds NOTHING like smokers-cough, dear. It is a lovely name, very different sounding.
I dislike this name intensely. It sounds like another word for a smoker's cough.
All I can say is - BLAH! Double EW! Sorry, it just sounds so yuck!
Definitely my favorite male name! A mythological connection as well as a stellar sound. Adopted it at the top of my list after reading Kenneth Oppel's "Firewing", starring a bat of this name. Glad to see its popularity is rising!
An *awesome* boy's name! Very strong and masculine.

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