Comments (Personal Impression Only)

What a fun name!
The etymology is beloved God.
It looks like God + Believe.
The current English pronunciation sounds like God delive(r)
Someone in the comments said that Dutch to English translated it as godly. I tested it and got goddess.
If I ever publish a book, some of the characters have to have very fun names like this one.
It is really clunky and would definitely not work well outside of a Dutch-language setting, but I quite like it actually. There's something majestic about it.
Looks like "God believe."
My mother's name was Godelieve but she was not fond of it as many people would have a comment on how strange it was. She used her middle name Valerie.
She was of Belgian decent but was born in the USA.
What a striking name. I like it very much.
It looks just like a combination of the words "God" and "Believe". Interesting. ^^

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