Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love, love, love this name! I think it’s a classy, timeless, uncommon, feminine, spunky, fun, unique, bubbly, and cool name! I think it has an old world charm, with a new school edge. The girl that has this name is sassy, confident, spunky, funny, and fiercely independent. The woman that has this name is sharp, capable, funny, warm, loving, fiercely independent and kind. This name can go from kindergarten to the boardroom, from nursery school to medical school, from the playground to the court room. This name is built for a little girl that will change the world and take no prisoners doing it.
This has to be the ugliest, most dry-sounding name I have ever heard.
I actually like this name. I think the ‘ine’ makes it look feminine but at the same time masculine.
Great, strong, beautiful name and while it has some harsh sound, anyway, it feels also feminine. Geraldine is good name with class and quality!
I hate it! OLD LADY NAME! And Gerald is an OLD MAN NAME! As this is the feminine form of Gerald.
Very harsh and forced.
This still doesn’t sound feminine. Quite harsh.
Like Gemma, I find it very underrated and underused.
Geraldine is a classy, elegant name.
@kayisforkeen I’m surprised you actually said this kri8tiv feminine form of a male name was classy and elegant instead of saying it’s ugly and forced, I’m very proud of you. I think all kri8tiv feminine forms of male names should gain grace!:) I love this name! I love Geraldine, Geraldina, and Geralda as feminine forms of Gerald! Very uncommon compared to names that are still nice like Ava and Sophia!
It has taken me several years to actually enjoy my name... Yup... I am a Geraldine... when I was 16 I had the opportunity to change my name... needed a copy of my Birth Certificate and noticed it had me as "Unnamed Female Child"... well I decided to keep the name my mom gave me... Geraldine... she actually named me after a high-school friend, that went by Gerri... then she actually married a man named Gerald... their first son was named Jerry... then me, Geraldine... I find most people actually like my name... I just have problems with people calling me Jerry. That's my brother, not me. I have learned to love my name including the meaning. I can truly say that my full name means... “I am mighty when wielding a spear, as I walk with gracefulness, from the green meadow where poets like to dream, and it is helpful that I am also a dweller of the strong hold.” That’s my full name, friends. See? Names can be interesting.
Geraldine: the name of some old Republican hag from the Midwest, considering this is the name of my racist, uber-Catholic grandmother. The fact that Iowa native Nate Ruess, one of my least favorite singers, also has a grandmother with this name should cement its Middle American ugliness.
My name is Geraldine. When I was younger, I didn't like my name and hated the nickname. I wanted a name like everyone else. Now that I've grown and matured, I love it because it's so different! People always remember who I am because it isn't a common name. Maybe one day it'll come back into fashion... but I hope it doesn't. I enjoy feeling special!
My name is Geraldine and I admit that growing up with it was hard for me. People couldn't pronounce it right and I hated the nickname Gerry cause everyone said: "like Tom and Jerry", it was so annoying. But now that I'm older I love it, it sounds feminine and unique, and now I like Gerry- it's cool to have a boys nickname. With all these comments, I'm second guessing naming my girl Geraldine.
This name is about as granny as they get. If this name is possible, then anything is. Its very ugly and indigestible. The only alternative to the rescue is the name "Gerry", pronounced 'Jeh-ree' for this name.
My grandmother's name is Geraldine, she always goes by Gerry. When I was little, I didn't like the name, but now I think it's kind of cute. I love it every time my grandfather calls her name. She doesn't have a middle name because her father thought that Geraldine was a big enough name for a little girl :P
As Geri Halliwell is my favourite from The Spice Girls it's natural that I think this name is okay. Plus I have met her and she's nice which left a good impression of this name on me!
I'm not sure why, but there is something about this name that appeals to me. It just seems to pull off an effeminate feel, whilst showing strength at the same time. Plus, I can imagine both a child, and a grown woman suiting this particular name.
I like this name because of my favorite Spice Girl, Geri Halliwell. I also like the nickname Geri. It's sad that it's not popular, since it sounds prettier than a lot of the girls' names popular now.
My mother's name is GERALDINE. She was named after my grandfather (her father) GERALD, an erasable old German shop teacher. She uses Jerre informally. It always somewhat annoyed me that people would associate her name with FLIP WILSON's character. But she never minded. I think she rather enjoyed it.
I absolutely hate this name. It has that American country girl from the 50s ending -ine added to a masculine name, and you can't get any decent nicknames out of it. I don't like Geri, as it's identical in sound to Jerry, and Jerry makes me think of unbearable middle-aged men.
Weird. But kinda cool.

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