Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds masculine to me.
Beautiful name!
It ain’t that bad.
I agree with some other commenters that it sounds a bit harsh. To me it doesn't really fit as a first name, maybe a middle name though.
I like this name. I think of the Steven Universe character, and the name already gives off a strong vibe as is. I think it'd be kind of cute as a middle name, because it also reminds me of my grandma and her favorite stone was the Garnet.
Pretty stone, ugly name. It just doesn't sound good.
I don't think Garnet is cute at all but a lot of people do like it! I think it's a nice sounding word but as a name... it sounds frumpy.
I like it, despite the fact that "Garnet" actually means "the yarn" in Swedish!
Yuck. It sounds kind of like granite... It also sounds really modern, so I'm surprised to see that it's not. At least it has the classic/old fashioned aspect going for it. But I do not like the sound of this name.
Sounds a hair-bit harsh!
This is my personal favorite name. It's absolutely beautiful. I consider it a girl's name. It does not sound harsh to me, rather it's strong and powerful.
Ooh, pretty name! I love the colour and the way the gem seems to stand out as a glittery January birthstone. I love this name!
The name has a rather harsh sound to it.
I love the name Garnet for a girl. I have a character by the name of Garnet, and I think it is lovely. Her full name is Garnet August Black. Very pretty. Garnet is my birthstone, and it would make a perfect name for someone with red hair.

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