Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's so weird how a lot of names with presidential associations, such as this, Grover, and Kermit, have become associated with pop culture characters. It's a cute name for a cat, especially if they're orange, fat, or both, but not for a human child.
This name is well... not that bad but not that great either.
Good name for a cat.
It's a real shame that most people associate this name with the famous cat, since I happen to love the name Garfield. It's fun to say and pleasant to hear, and the nickname "Gar" sounds really cool, too.
I don't know what to make of this name. I mean, Garfield was a president's surname, which is possibly good (I am not familiar with American presidents as I am Canadian and have little interest), but Davis' Garfield is a double edged sword.On the good side, he is witty while not being able to talk (through thought bubbles), and can easily put something over anyone he chooses, while on the other side he is very proud of being fat and lazy, which might be teasing material.All in all, a name that should be used with slight caution and care.
A fat, lazy, cat comes to mind when I hear this name.
Who couldn't love the comic strips? I have always loved Garfield ever since I was little. I think it's interesting, though I couldn't see a modern-day boy with this name. More like a grandfather or a great-grandfather, but that's it.
This name sounds really pretentious as a first name, or would, if it didn't immediately bring the cartoon cat to mind. The poor guy would be teased mercilessly, especially if he was fat.

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