The angel Gabriel is called "Jibrail" in Islam. It is written as "جبرائيل" in Arabic and is pronounced "jib-RA-eel".
― Anonymous User 10/18/2015
Whoops! Would like to correct my previous comment. The angel Gabriel is called "Jibril" in Islam. It is written as "جبريل" in Arabic and is pronounced "jib-REEL".
While Gabriel is traditionally considered one of the archangels due to his being the only other named angelic being in the Bible besides Michael and Satan, the Bible never actually says that Gabriel is an archangel. It says simply that he "stands in the presence of God." (Luke 1:19) This does not mean that he is an archangel. He could very well be one of the seraphim (the one with the human face, since Daniel describes him as a man). I personally don't think Gabriel is a seraph, due mainly to the fact that the seraphim are not identified by name in their scriptural context. But I'm not completely ruling out that possibility, either.
Gabriel is not an archangel because there is only one, that being Michael. Gabriel is the only holy angel other than Michael named in the Bible; the only materialized angel to give his name. Twice Gabriel appeared to Daniel: first, near the Ulai River “in the third year of the kingship of Belshazzar” to explain Daniel’s vision of the he-goat and the ram (Da 8:1, 15-26); and second, “in the first year of Darius” the Mede, to deliver the prophecy concerning the “seventy weeks.” (Da 9:1, 20-27) To Zechariah the priest, Gabriel brought the good news that he and his aging wife Elizabeth would have a son, John (the Baptizer). (Lu 1:11-20) To Mary, the virgin girl betrothed to Joseph, Gabriel declared: “Good day, highly favored one, God is with you.” He then told her that she would give birth to a son, Jesus—he “will be called Son of the Most High.”—Lu 1:26-38.
― Anonymous User 2/16/2007
Gabriel is an Archangel along with Michael. Re-read your Bible. Do your research. Your comment is completely wrong.I love the name Gabriel. To many it may sound feminine but it's not. All male names sound feminine because too many people use them for girls names. But if it were a feminine name then it would be a girls name. But it's not. It's a masculine name. Why you ask? Because it's a boys name not a girls name. I knew some Gabriels that I went to school with and none of them were teased. Whats wrong with the name? Really? Why would they get teased? Just because you may think it is feminine sounding doesn't mean the rest of the world does.It's an awesome name! It's also historical and classic.
― Anonymous User 8/17/2009
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