The name Frances is so beautiful, and I love the nickname Frankie. I think it works well for both genders, I've always been a big fan of classic unisex names.
Great name! Has quality, has class, has strength and mature stability! I like this name a lot. Frances had some popularity many decades ago, so it feels more like an older female name, but whatever, Frances is good!
I use Fran as a nickname as people started calling me it, and I don't mind at all because I like it. It doesn't sound weird or old at all in my opinion, and the people who started calling me Fran are quite young too.
― Anonymous User 12/3/2020
I love it. Glorious name we got here. Frannie, Franny, Frankie, Annie, Fran, Fanny are some good nickname ideas.
Please please please don’t do this to a poor little girl! I would absolutely hate being stuck with name! I grew up with a Frances and she was teased her whole life!
― Anonymous User 9/26/2020
I don't understand how anybody dislikes this beautiful name. It's amazing! It goes well with any age. I can imagine an infant named Frances, a toddler named Frances, a child named Frances, a teenager named Frances, an adult named Frances and a senior citizen named Frances.
This is such a beautiful name. It makes me feel I am walking into a garden crowded with tall, white flowers in the golden sunlight, the green grass glowing.
― Anonymous User 2/13/2020
My middle name is Frances, thank goodness it's not my first name, because it's bad enough having it as a middle name. People like to tease me about it and I often get called an "old lady". (eye roll). It's not that I don't like carrying this name because it has a lot of significance in my family (my mom has the middle name as well, as she was named after her favorite great aunt), it's just really old and stuffy-sounding. I don't particularly like it, as it also reminds me too much of the masculine name, but oh well. So do your kids a favor and don't give your kids heirloom names because they WILL get teased.
@River_Spirit07 - Wow, you really got teased about it? Even though it's your middle name? Frances is my first name, and I've never been teased or made fun of for it, and I've actually gotten compliments on it a few times since it's a little more uncommon than most people's first names.
I really like this name. It works for both genders in my opinion. It does give off an old-fashioned vibe, but is not too dated. I really like "Frankie" as a nickname for a girl, but "Fran" is awful in my opinion.
My sister's name is Frances and she hates when our mum calls her "Franny" lol Although I think it sounds very old fashioned, it's not a horrible name, it really suits my sister.
I think Frances is a venerable name, although not exactly pretty to my ears. However, I like the nickname Francie a lot. Maybe because I had a great-aunt Francie (whose real name was the Polish Franciszka) and she was kind and funny. Also because A Tree Grows in Brooklyn's main character is Francie Nolan, and that's my favorite book. Her full name is Mary Frances Nolan.
Frances is my middle name - I have used it because I hated my first name. Now, I like the name - a young father said that they named their daughter Frances, and he thinks it is the most beautiful name. To the Brits who say the name is nasal, your British pronunciation of Frances is why you don't like it. It sounds awful. That is your fault, not the fault of the name. Check out the beautiful Italian Francesca and the Spanish Francisca.
My name's Frances, and I've found it to be pretty uncommon where I live. The only other person I knew with my name was an old lady... It sounds kinda posh but I'm okay with that, as I can always be called Fran (my friends call me Fran the man, very funny guys). One of the downsides is that EVERYONE spells my name as Francis, so I have to remind them it's I for masculine and E for feminine, but they always forget. I'm not a particularly feminine girl so I like how it is acceptable for all genders.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2017
I like it for girls, and Francis (like the Pope's name) for boys. I prefer Francine or Franesca or Francesco though. I like the nickname Frank for Francis and Frankie for Frances.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2017
Not one of my favourite names. I don't like it for girls. It doesn't sound feminine to me.
― Anonymous User 8/26/2017
This name doesn't sound feminine at all, in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2017
Frances sounds like a boy's name to me. Just my opinion.
― Anonymous User 8/8/2017
This is my middle name, and let me just say, I LOVE it. The only thing I don't like is the spelling. You know, "e for a girl, I for a boy." People always spell my name as "Ella Francis", and I have to constantly tell them that's wrong. I do love the name though, it's very rare nowadays and I like how well it goes with my popular first name. I do not like the nicknames Fran, Franny, or even Fanny. I would probably go by Frances or maybe Frankie if that were my first name. In short, I love the name Frances. :)
My name is Frances and I think the name is actually rather nice. However, I will admit although I like the name, I do choose to go by the nickname Fran. But that is mainly because my best friend is also called Frances. Me and my best friend have been friends since we were 4 and we are both nearing our 17th birthdays soon. As well as us both having the same name my older sister's best friend also has the middle name 'Frances' - and they have known each other for nearly 24 years (they are both 28) In each generation of my family we have had at least one variation of the name... Examples: Francis, Frank, Fran, Francine, Francesca, Franny, Fanny. I think the name is underrated to be honest, it's actually a rather nice name.
The name Frances is very cute, sweet and vintage for a girl! I like the nickname Franny. :3.
― Anonymous User 10/21/2014
I can't stand the name Frances, it's one of my absolute least favourite names. The combination of the long 'AH' sound with the consonants 'FR' 'C-S' gives it this horrible, posh, spluttering sound. Just awful.Also, every Frances I've met has been insecure and untrustworthy. Fran is even worse, sounds like flan to me. And Fanny... I'm from England and the meaning here is even more inappropriate for a first name.There's plenty of classic, strong, non-girly names out there that aren't so ugly.
― Anonymous User 5/20/2014
I actually know a little girl named Frances, which is really nice and refreshing compared to all the "modern" names other kids her age have, but I still prefer Francis for a boy.
― Anonymous User 1/12/2013
My middle name is Frances (Jaclyn Frances) though I don't like to tell people this because I'm not a fan of it. I'm only okay with it because it was my Grandmother's name and my mother, brother and I never got to meet her.
Frances is my middle name, after my grandmother. I've always disliked it because I think it sounds ugly and old-fashioned. When people ask my what my middle name is I get embarrassed to tell them it is Frances. I am just happy it is not my first name.
My name is Frances, I love it! I like that I wasn't named something that is super-popular and trendy, but I kind of don't like that I only seem to share my name with seventy-year-olds, lol. Most people think the name is sort of dated, but I prefer to think it's classic, like Alice or Emma. It sounds feminine, but it also sounds good for a boys name, like Francis off Malcolm and the Middle (every time the mom on that show yells, "Francis!", I reply, "What!"). Also, I have loads of nicknames. The common ones: Frankie, Fran, Frannie. The ones bestowed upon me by my well-meaning mother: Frannie-Foof, Farney. The weird ones that my best friends call me: Frankalino, Francisco, James Franco, Frank Zappa, Professor Frink, Fracas, Frankenstein... You get the picture. :)
I've got the middle name Frances and while I kind of like it, people always think of old ladies and stuff, which is a bit stupid but true. My name (Caitlin Frances) goes well, because I used to be called Katie-Fran. Except my dad, he called me Cakie-Fran. (I am rolling my eyes as I speak).
My name is Frances. I have no problems with this name. I think it sounds both strong and delicate at the same time. Some see it as a name for an old, posh woman but, like my favourite book heroine Mary Frances Nolan (a tree grows in brooklyn by betty smith) I think it is a name for a thoughtful, resourceful person. By the way I am 12.
― Anonymous User 8/4/2008
This is one of the few names ending in the 's' sound, along with Bellatrix, Beatrice, Alice, and Iris, that I like. I also like the fact that the pronunciation is identical to the masculine name Francis, which makes the name sound nicely gender-neutral. However, the fact that this is Courtney Love's daughter's name has ruined the otherwise good name for me. Bah!
I really despise this name. I mean really. The sound is simply horrible, and every time I read it I hear it in my head with a nasal twang. There's nothing wrong with the name itself, but it just sounds horrid.
My sister's name is Frances, she was named after the character in Dirty Dancing. I've never really been overly fond of the name so me and my friends just call her Fran.
Frances is too old-fashioned for me. The nickname Fran is cool, but I wouldn't name my daughter this name. It is pretty in it's own way though. Whenever I think of this name, I think of Judy Garland because this name is her birth name (Frances Ethel Gumm). Frankie is a cool nickname as well.