Comments (Personal Impression Only)

A really cool and unique name, although I see it more masculine than feminine...I would use Florence for a girl instead.
Contrary to what many people have said before I quite like the name but would probably name a son that before a daughter.
This is the equivalent of an Italian naming their daughter "Kalamazoo." It's not a name.
Firenze is not a name, although there is the similar-sounding name Fiorenza, which is the Italian form of Florence (the name, not the place). Why not go for that instead? Firenze is just silly.
I can't imagine any Italian person using this name, and it would sound very strange all over Europe, actually. Outside Europe, it just sounds rather foreign and bizarre. So, I can't say I like it as a name for a person.
I think it's a unique, great name. I can't really see anyone naming their child this, but for a fictional character, I'd use it.

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