Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Lovely... a vision of grace gliding over mist-cloaked valleys, red hair flaming and green eyes glittering, her laughter echoing like streams tumbling over the rocks. Fionnuala is the whisper of wind through the trees, the shimmer of moonlight on water -- a perfect touch of magic for your precious child. With her, there is a sense of home, of belonging to something wild and free. So, here's to Fionnuala, keeper of dreams and the guardian of Ireland's ancient magic!
Although it is slightly long, I think this is a beautiful name. It's very elegant, unique and sophisticated. I love the Irish origin, and the potential nicknames as well. It's a beautiful name.
My name is Fionnuala, but I go by Nuala. My family pronounces my nickname noo-ah-luh. I think this name is really unique and pretty.
I adore this name and if blessed with another daughter will call her Fionnuala. I have a Breton surname which will go beautifully as it also starts with an F. First heard of the name when watching Fionnuala Sweeney on CNN and have loved it ever since.
Albeit I wouldn't name a daughter this, in my opinion anyone would be SOOO lucky to have this name. I mean, why the heck ISN'T it popular? It has everything... a beautiful sound, rarity... it doesn't sound like a trendy or teeny-bopper name at all, your daughter won't need to worry about being "Fionnuala C." or "Fionnuala W." all her life, it ages marvelously, and "Nuala" sounds like a beauteous and melodic nickname on its own. I wish it were MY name.
I think that it is an utterly enchanting name, personally. However, it is much too... pretentious? To bestow onto a child outside of Ireland. As always, I suppose of you have a large amount of close heritage stemming from Ireland, and possess a surname to pair with, it has the potential to be successful. If you have no Irish blood, the name may as well be "kre8tiv." A Fionnuala Mac Pharlain has a chance-- not Fionnuala Adamsen.
It is amazing how a simple last name holds the power to either suggest, A). Being the definition of subtle beauty and of maturity, to B). Appearing to be a "kre8tiv," pretentious, pompous atrocity. Future employers will be wary of any name that seems unprofessional-- a name much like Fionnuala if you are not cautious.
I don't like the Nuala bit, but I would very much consider the name Fion ( pronounced FEE-ON) for a boy. Maybe a girl.
Gorgeous name, it has an ethereal beauty. The story behind it adds to it's charm.
I prefer the spelling "Fionnula" because I personally hate the "Nuala" part.
This name is nice. I prefer it pronounced FIN-oo-la though. However, I wouldn't call a daughter this because I don't like Nuala as a nickname.

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