Comments (Personal Impression Only)

The "gie" makes it look weird. But I'm not a fan of Fergie.
I got this nickname from a few people back during my school years. (31 now). I agree it's a solid nickname. I'd only consider it for a future daughter if it managed to sound REALLY good with the last name and hubby really liked it. Otherwise save it for the singer, former duchess and people with Ferg--- surnames.
It sounds really nicknamey, and plus it's attached to two famous people. Sarah Ferguson is a rather unfortunate namesake. The American singer Fergie is a much better association, though, and I do like her music, so I'd prefer to think of her when I hear this name.
Oh God, no! The name Fergus sounds too masculine to be adapted to a feminine name and this name is proof of that; it grates on my ears and it also sounds too infantile to be used as a given name.
I can't see this as a given name. It's more of a nickname. But it's cute. And I also love this because I love Fergie's music.
This is an okay nickname for someone by the last name of Ferguson, but horrible as the official first name of a person. The nickname sounds feminine to me, and there's no doubt Sarah Ferguson and the singer Fergie are reasons why I can't picture the nickname on males quite as easily, but it is imaginable. As a first name, the name sounds very immature and unserious, and it doesn't have a lot of class and dignity to it. Besides, the singer has ruined the name for many people.
I definitely like this name. But I don't really like it as a girls' name, and I am not a fan of Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas. Because he would be associated with her, I would not name a son Fergie.
I don't like this nickname. It makes me think of frogs for some reason. Not to mention Fergie from the Black Eyed Peas, of whom I am NOT a fan.
I hate this name passionately.

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