Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my name and I think it's lovely :) I always loved stories about fairies as a kid so it's definitely appropriate that my name means "fairy" lol. I used to wish it was spelled "Faye" or "Fae" but I honestly love how it's spelled. "Fay" just looks nice, I think. I love writing it in cursive.
Honestly, this is such a cute name for fantasy purposes, like in books and movies, but i just couldn't imagine meeting someone with the name in real life. I do like this as a nickname for other names like Faith or Faylynn (both names i love).
My name is Fay (My full name is Faylynn but I go by Fay) It’s a very pretty delicate, feminine and unique name you don’t find often it’s old but classic and I love my name.
Faye is so much better.
If I ever have a daughter I'm going to name her Fay, it's adorable and I love the meaning, imagine a little Fae Fae ❤❤❤.
I like this better than Faye.Fay just seems lighter and more fairy-like whereas Faye feels a bit more dated. But I like them both.
I like it. I prefer it to Faye.
I love this name! Along with Fae (I prefer Fae more because it's more close to the word 'Faerie') I love Fairies and Pixies all that jazz so automatically I love this name! I don't know if I would name a child it though. Having a three letter name that begins with FA can be a little risky... Still a favorite! :)
I'm so happy to hear that Fay is also a shortened form of the word faith. My name is Fay but my mother really wanted to call me Faith because it was faith that kept her going throughout her pregnancy. The doctor had told her she should not have any more children since she nearly died with my sister just before I was born. I would rather be considered a "Faith" than a "Fairy".
Fay is such a beautiful name, at least to me, a native English speaker. It sounds so soft. It is lovely. I think it's prettier as a middle name with this spelling and Fay(e) for a first name. And Fay being a word that literally means fairy. :)
It's definitely too short and simple for me in whichever spelling, but I like its Celtic-ness.
I prefer the spelling of Faye more.
It's an okayish, short sounding name but I suppose the meaning is cute. Fay is far too simple and doesn't suit my taste, however. Tips: I would veto against the spelling "Fey" as it actually means “fated to die"! Also, be aware that the "Fae" spelling honestly looks kinda trendy and trashy. :/ In my opinion, the other variant "Faye" doesn't do the name any justice as it's a short sounding name no matter what (I would leave the unnecessary 'e' out).
Actually, I've changed my mind now. I prefer the Fae spelling over Fay and I don't think the Fae spelling looks "trashy" anymore. (I take it back.) ^^; However, I still think the "Faye" spelling is awful. D:
This is my middle name, and I love it much more then my first name. :) I'm tempted to start introducing myself as Fay but that might get confusing. :/
I think it's a cool name. I think I'd rather use it In the middle spot, though.
Honestly I hate this name as a first name. But I love it as a middle name. My name is Katelynn Fay and I think it goes good just I couldn't imagine a girl named Fay.
It's such a beautiful name, but I wouldn't it as a name because of the invetiable Fay is gay immaturity.
But I am Fay and gay.
I really like this name. I think it sounds so earthy and natural and is very uncommon. It's a nice middle name too.
I like the spelling "Faie" so much better!
This is such a pretty name, but in my mind would only suit a girl that was small and petite.

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