There are many women named Evadne in Greek mythology, not just the one in the tragic story described here. Wife of Argus (founding king of Argos), for example. [noted -ed]
In Cretan dialect, hadne was how the word hagne was pronounced, meaning "pure". Another example of this is the name Ariadne. Hagne is a name too; spelled Agnes in its English form. Thus, the meaning of Euadne or Evadne is "good and pure" or "good maiden". [noted -ed]
― Anonymous User 10/29/2017
I believe the second element to be αδνος (adnos)- "chaste, holy".
― Anonymous User 1/2/2017
The name means "good and holy," since the 'eu' element is derived from the Greek word for "good," and the 'adne' element is derived from *adnos*, the Greek word for "holy."