Europa of Macedon was a Macedonian noblewoman. She was the daughter of Philip II by his last wife, Cleopatra Eurydice. She is widely believed to have been murdered along with her mother, by Olympias, Philip's fourth wife and the mother of Alexander the Great.
Europa Anguissola was a 16th century Italian painter, but gave up painting after marriage. Her sisters Sofonisba, Elena, Lucia and Anna Maria also took up painting. Like Europa, Anna Maria gave up painting after marriage. Elena became a nun and Lucia died pretty young, but Sofonisba became famous. They also had a sister Minerva, who became a scholar, and a brother Asdrubale, who did not practice art.
I wouldn't name my daughter this, as the Europa is a hotel in Belfast. There was a program about it on BBC NI called Lobby Lives. It was the most bombed hotel in Europe, and it's very popular with celebrities. It's a cool name though, and a cool hotel.