Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Erzsébet is a very pretty name! Yes, there's Báthori, but one bad person won't ruin a name, if they did, there'd be no names left. Besides, she died almost over 400 years ago. There's still people named Joseph (and its variants) and there are quite a few bad people known in history named Joseph (Iosif Stalin, Joseph McCarthy, Josip Broz Tito, etc). I don't see any reason why 1 murderer from 4 centuries ago should dissuade anyone from this name.
The fact that some of the other commenters think that people are naming their children after Bathory is crazy! Nobody would name their child after her. We would name our children Erzsebet after the lovely queens and princesses associated. Stop bottling up beautiful Hungarian history to just be a murderer! The name Erzsebet is lovely and I personally love it.
Erzsébet sounds very harsh compared to the English version Elizabeth. In Hungary it’s a very popular name, mainly for the older generations. The nicknames Erzsi and Erzsike are cute.
I Love This Name!
It's a nice name, but that vicious 16th-century countess has soiled the name outside of Hungary forever. And there is no denying that what she did was so heinous!
I like it, but anyone who would intentionally name their child after Erszebet Bathori is probably not fit to have children.
I like this name a lot, especially pronounced like "AIR-zhay-bet." How exotic! The accent over the E is a glamorous touch. But I don't like the association with Erzsébet Bathory.

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