Comments (Personal Impression Only)

It's a cool name, though I prefer Iris because the meaning is nicer and I like the 'ire' sound better than the 'ehr' sound, but that's just me.
Kinda like Morrigan and Mallory.
Good name, bad meaning.
This is my name! I’ve always loved it, especially being a Greek mythology fan as a kid. I especially love the ambiguity of it. It feels almost like a gothic vampire-ish name to me.
I would also consider naming a male this.
I've always thought if you were writing a story, this would be a good name for a vampire. Why? It's "sire" backwards.
It's very pretty, and would make a great alternative to Erin, if it wasn't for the namesake.
I admit that the name sounds pretty enough, but with the story behind it, I envision nothing but a catty, spoiled girl who likes to cause trouble when she doesn't get her way.
Eris was the goddess of strife. What is strife? Bitter conflict, discord, contention and rivalry. Eris interfered with the affairs of others for her amusement. This usually ended in chaos, anarchy and murder, and she had an insatiable desire for bloodshed. Not a nice namesake. I can see the girl looking up Eris on the internet and saying "This is what Mum had in mind when she named me?" I can't really sympathise, because, to me this name has an ugly, sharp, cold sound to it. And it looks even more horrible when it's written down. Even Erys would be nicer! (And I don't believe in the supreme feminising power of the "Y"). However, the Latin form of Eris, Discordia, is beautiful.
I like this name despite being linked to chaos.
Linked to chaos--to me, that's even more of a reason to like it. Ha.
Assuming I'll be able to adopt in the future, I may consider naming one of my girls Eris. I always loved the sound of it, albeit being tied to discordance.

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