Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name. It looks better spelt like Erik.
Eric just looks better.
I don't mind this spelling.
I even like Eric. It's alright with the spelling of this name.
I think this name is actually a cool version of the spelling for "Eric".
It does have a strong and stable appearance that would age well imho. :)
Eric seems more natural.
I prefer this spelling rather than Eric. Also... Phantom of the Opera. :)
I prefer Eric, only because that's the classic spelling and I'm a stickler for traditional spellings.
That's the classic spelling where you're from, maybe. But the name is Scandinavian and comes from the name "Eiríkr", which was actually the real name of Eric the Red (Eiríkr inn Rauda).
The Scandinavians brought the name to the UK, so your "traditional spelling" of the name is actually only traditional in the UK and US (English speaking countries).
Not really sure why I would have to explain this to you, though, since the information is right here on this website (, even under your "preferred spelling". Would have kind of expected you to read that part, too.
I am in love with this name, I like it way better spelled like this with a K than the usual ERIC spelling.
I like Eric much better... Erik looks... how can I say this nicely? It looks... disgusting to me. It looks like someone vomited right on the paper where it's written. I don't know why I like Eric so much better. I will say that when I meet someone named Eric or Erik, I think to myself, "I hope to God that it's Eric." And I get pissed and annoyed if it's not.
I prefer Eric.
I don't like this name, I just imagine Erik the Dick.
Possibly the coolest most masculine name out there. I love how it sounds and how it looks. This name truly molds to people and is a classic one to have. If I were a boy I'd want my name to be Erik.
I think Erik looks much nicer than Eric when written down. Overall, a nice name. I like it.
This was my great grandfather's name. It's really cool, and I think it is too unused in Norway. But in Denmark it is very popular.
This is my name. I don't particularly like it, but I don't hate it either. It's SO ANNOYING when people spell my name Eric or even Erick. What's next, Eryk, Aric, or Erique? I don't know.
My husbands name is Erik. I really like this name. He does not like when people misspell it by writing it as Eric, Erick or even Aric. Good name, very masculine. Really fits him very well.
It's interesting how sometimes we change the spellings of names depending on what we use them for. If I was to give my child this name, I would spell it Eric, with a C. But if I were using the name for a character in a story, I'd probably spell it Erik or Erick. I actually rather prefer to spell it Erik. It's a pretty cool name.
Erik is my brother's name. I just love it. I've never known another person with his name's spelling. Everyone spells it wrong, just like all my siblings names (including mine).
The spelling with a "K", to me, helps the name to retain a stronger Scandinavian association - that is, when one actually sees it written.
I just adore this name, and not just because I'm a fan. I like this spelt with a k instead of a c. It seems stronger to me.
I like this spelling a lot more than "Eric". "Erick" is okay too, but this spelling is my favorite.
I think this name is very gentleman like, as well as cute. "Erik" is a name I would name one of my future children.
A prettier spelling of "Eric".

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