Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name sounds like it is only used by teen moms and uneducated people who think they are being "kreaetyve".
Looks like a 5 year old trying to spell Emily.
Just call her Emily. “Emilee” is a very childish and immature way to spell Emily.
I think you should just stick with Emily.
You can mess with the spelling all you desire, but that doesn't change the fact that your daughter will still be one of the 5 Emily's in her class. At least go with Emmeline.
I actually love it! Emily is very common, so it would be more better to switch the spelling up. This is probably the only name where I accept these kinds of spellings.
I think this is even worse than Emely.
Just go with Emily. Or if you're trying to go for a similar-sounding alternative, use Emmeline. The -lee is unnecessary and will cause people to misspell it.
Just. Use. Emily.
People in America have gotten a lot of use in these forms of Emily these days.
My name is Emilee and the reason it was spelt this way is because it has part of my mum's name and part of my dad's name. They both have lee in their names. I think it is cool because no one I have ever met, has the same spelling of the name as me.
This has to be the worst spelling variant of Emily.
My name just so happens to be Emilee and I love how it is spelled. Everyone that knows how my version of Emilee is spelled thinks it is a beautiful name and I don’t think otherwise. The spelling just makes part of me unique and different. And to all other Emilee’s out there it doesn't matter how it’s spelled it’s just the same. Be proud of your name no matter what. :)
They will always misspell Emilee... Emily.
"Emilee" is a derivative of емилиан. I was born in the 80's.
I do like the -lee at the end. Much prettier looking than Emily.
I know an Emilee and she is awesome and it doesn't seem like a 5 year old spelled it, because if her parents made it her name then obviously it was special to them. And honestly, ignorant comments like that just show that you are acting like the garbage you said about others who had no control over their name.
My real name is Emilee. Just because you don't like the way a name is spelled, doesn't mean you have to criticize it! This name is proudly carried by many people.
My real name is Emilee. It's rare and I don't see why people dislike it. It's not as common and ugly as Emily.
It's Emily, but uglier. I don't mind Emily, but this just looks like someone who (somehow) never heard of the name Emily, and spelled it wrong.
This is also a nice way to spell Emily:-)
I LOVE unique spellings of popular names. I think this is a beautiful name. Wish it were mine. :)
ETA: I hate when people decide on their own what is or isn't "proper" spelling of a name. It's a name. There is no proper spelling.
Um, yes there is. The proper spelling is Emily. Emilie is a variant, and Emilee is garbage.
Excuse me that was somewhat harsh and not too thought out or properly explained why it is garbage. To call someone's name garbage no matter how it is spelled is straight up silly to say. That happens to be my spelling & I have never questioned it negatively nor heard anything so rude like what you said. Please consider that a parent chose that spelling for their own special reasoning, respect that it is a perfectly legit way to have Emilee spelt. I mean I turned out wonderful!
A cute spelling of Emily!
It makes it seem like a 5-year-old spelled it.
I know a girl with this spelling. This is my third fav spelling next to Emilie and Emily.
Sheesh, if you're going to choose Emily, then at least spell it properly; so Emily happens to be popular, at least people can spell it.The "-ee" ending looks so uneducated; "e" is pronounced as "ay" in other languages, not "ee". Not to mention it looks juvenile and silly.
I like this spelling. This is one of my favorite alternative spellings of Emily.

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