Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Both Amber and Ember are terrible names and I hate them so much
Very Ugly.
My step-niece's name. Not bad; I do prefer classic Amber, which is basically the same name with a vowel switch. (It's not as if Amber is popular and you need to try to be different, anyway. I think I've only ever known one girl, and the people who come to mind first are Amber Mariens from Clueless and Amber Brown, who is not a crayon.) But yeah, Ember's okay. According to my Hungarian friend it also means "life" in her language.
I’ve always loved Amber, but I feel as though this adds a bit of spice to it. I love this name so much! I’m usually not a fan of E names, but this one I adore!
I like it, I think it's way cooler than Amber.
Great name for a redheaded girl.
As an Ember myself, I love my name and it's actually an enby/unisex name believe it or not (can be used for any gender) Although it's commonly used for girls and those genderno people :) Personally, I think I have the best name I could have and you're lucky if you are also an Ember or Emberly or some variation because you're always gonna get the best compliments.
It's pretty, but I personally like Emberleigh or Emberly better.
I think Ember is a beautiful name. It sounds much better than Amber.
I really like this name. It's so unique, strong and beautiful. I have an OC (Original Character) I named "Ember". I'm so glad I've found this.
Stripper name.
It's very strong, I prefer Amber though.
So many prettier names out there. Personally dislike.
I don’t see the appeal. Just plain ugly!
Oh how I love the name Ember! It makes me think of fire and orange, and it’s a beautiful, unique name! I’m ginger, and if my daughter has ginger hair her name will (possibly!) be Ember!
Amber is better but not a fan of either!
Not a fan AT ALL!
I like it better than Amber.

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