Within the English cultural context, the name Ellie reveals a dialectical tension between two diverging modes of existence. On the one hand, Ellie functions as a contemporary and widespread nomenclature for the masses. Yet, on the other hand in its capacity as a diminutive for classical, patrician cognomens - such as Eleanor and Elizabeth - Ellie announces its adjacency to the world of high social strata. This coupling of modes engenders a complex ambivalence towards the oft-quoted both "sweet and youthful" and "insipid and childish" name. Nevertheless, the name Ellie has proliferated to such an extent that it has become intertwined with classical names, potentially enabling its evolution into a classic name in its own right. Therefore, the paradoxical existence of Ellie as both a widely-used, seemingly low-class name and a prefix for classical, high-class names is indeed intriguing.
― Anonymous User 4/20/2023, edited 4/20/2023
I have always gone by Ellie, but it is short for Michelle. I'm 24 years old and have never even heard of anybody else with that name. I have never, ever thought of it as common.
Ellie also means "brightness of sun" in ancient Greek.
― Anonymous User 4/19/2005
Can be from the ancient Greek name "ELLH", pronounced "Elee" in Greek. In Greek mythology, ELLH was the daughter of Athamas and Nefele, sister of Frixos.