Elektra is an interesting name - mythological, with a lovely meaning (amber), full of quirky spunk and a sort of alternative feel to it, very original and elegant in a not too fancy way. Yet, I cannot really like this name as much as I would want or as much as I think it deserves, simply because it sounds too much like all things electricity to me. Electra's complex doesn't help either. Therefore I think people who use it on their daughters are really bold!
I used to prefer the Electra spelling, despite its similarity to the English word "electric," because I thought the middle K was clunky. I disagree now - I think the K spelling has more pizzazz, more oomph. It still takes a strong personality to carry this name off, though.
My real name is Elektra and most of my friends call me Electricity. I don't really like it but I do like my name and think it's a very good name for someone.
I prefer this spelling than 'Electra' because this is of Greek origin and in the Greek alphabet there is no letter 'c' (Elektra is the orignal version). Moreover, the spelling 'Electra' reminds too much of the "Electra complex" which is spelt in Standard English with a 'c'. Elektra is a cool, badass and awesome name for a girl! It makes me imagine a girl who's got spunk and is tough. (ง •̀_•́)ง This is definitely one of those names that's hard to forget. I love how Elektra stands out and isn't considered common & boring. (#⌒∇⌒#)ゞ.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2014
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