Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Pretentious and cheesy name for a person, although it's nice on a dog.
I think of the dog named Duke from Up.
I like it for a human boy as a middle name or something.
GREAT NAME! -- For a dog.
It seems more like a dog name to me.
I think it’s a great name— for a large dog.
I’d personally prefer it as a nickname.
Sounds like a dog's name. On a person, it sounds snobby and kind of goofy.
My mother’s friend named her third child this, and at first I actually thought she was joking. The name isn’t horrible, but I’m not a fan, it’s perfect on a dog, but just sounds weird on a human boy. It has a nice vibe and probably fits someone’s personality well, but I can’t imagine anyone older than 12 with this name, I don’t know why. I mean I could kind of see it on an adult, but it just has a young vibe, unlike the name Karen or someone. Overall, I think this name is alright, but I’d rate it a 5/10.
Being personally named Duke I like the name for the uniqueness and “masculine vibe”, but I hate the way most perceive it as a dog's name or title. While I understand it is a title and a dog name (even though you can name an animal anything) I am not the one who chose to name myself that way so don’t tell me this stuff... and btw, some have asked and no it isn’t short for anything, my full first name is DUKE.
Definitely a hillbilly and dog name.
I think this works better as a nickname more than a birth name. I usually picture this being the name of a cowboy or a biker.
There can only ever be one Duke! John Wayne! He's gone so no shaming his memory by naming your kid Duke. Show some respect you selfish pricks!Seriously, congress should pass a law that naming your child Duke will be punishable by death.
Only tolerable on a dog.
Sounds like something somebody would name their Rottweiler. I can't picture it as a human's name.
I like the name very much. It reminds me of names like Blake or Jake, which I consider very masculine. I also think that the meaning "leader" makes it rather masculine. I for sure wouldn't mind naming my son this.
I love this name! I don't even know why, it's just so, I dunno, masculine? Who cares, it's an awesome name!
I hate this name. It makes me think of racist David Duke.
It's a title, for crying out loud. It seems like a pretentious name to use.
I think this name shouldn't be given to a human, EVER. This is a name for either a Rotweiler or Retriever dog, or any other type of big dog.
In my opinion this name doesn't seem right for a person, no matter the meaning.
Why is it everyone starts arguing and saying it's "prissy" to be called Princess, Prince or Queen but it's alright to be Duke? I just don't understand you people.
John Wayne's one of my favorite actors. His nickname was The Duke and/or Duke. Whenever I see or hear "Duke" it reminds me of him. I nicknamed my son "Duke" in homage of the late actor. My dad's guard dog also is named "Duke". It's a strong name that represents loyalty, courage, and bravery.

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