I love this name. Very short and sweet, and is the name of one of my friends. I highly suggest using it or Andrew.
― Anonymous User 3/5/2024, edited 10/24/2024
Just because a female celebrity is given a boys' name doesn't make that name a girls' name. If a female celebrity was called Jacob, that wouldn't reverse centuries of history and change it into a girls' name.
― Anonymous User 2/3/2024
I could only see Drew as a nickname for Andrew or Andrea, never as a full name.
Drew is shortened of Andrew and what does Andrew mean? It literally means “strong” and “masculine, manly” coming from Greek language. But here's the problem. How can you turn a name that means "manly" into a female name? Compared to other nations, (most) American parents are symbols of not caring about the meaning of a child's name at all and choosing names for their daughters/sons that have always been reserved for men/women throughout history. In no other country will you find as many unisex names as you can find in America & it's not something to be proud of. Andrew is historically, literally, culturally, grammatically, aesthetically, a boyish name so Drew is. Get this through your skull for WhateverYouBelieveIn's sake (Of course please). Use boy names for boys and girl names for girls, A small number of Unisex names wouldn't make big troubles but these numbers are crazy these days.
My 17 year old daughter's name is Drew. It’s suits her and she likes it just as much as we do. Had a few negative comments over the years but nothing too bad, most have said they love it immediately thinking of Drew Barrymore.
Should be an individual name in its very own right, once its outdated full form of Andrew gets its rest for some time and the classical Andreas is ready to shine.
This isn't a girl's nickname, Drea is. Also, I prefer Andy more.
― Anonymous User 4/8/2019
I'm personally not a fan of the name Drew but I can easily see it for a boy or a girl as I've met many people of both genders with the name. I like it more for a boy though.
― Anonymous User 12/26/2018
I think it's more of an interesting name for a girl rather than beautiful but most interesting isn't always most beautiful. I like it and would consider it if I had another daughter.
My name is Drew, I am a fourteen year old girl. I've heard the origin of the name means not only wise but also manly and strong. Personally, I am pretty athletic so although the name Drew is a unisex name it is hard when it's a mainly male name. Due to me having visible muscles I get teased about whether or not I am actually a female or not even though if you look at me you could tell I am female. My self esteem definitely has taken a few hits because of my name. Especially when your gender gets assumed during role call. I have had substitute teachers mark me absent because they didn't believe that I was Drew. It's hard having this name, my boyfriend's friends have even made jokes about him being gay. I definitely wouldn't mind being called "Rew" as my younger family friend calls me but that only started because she couldn't pronounce the letter D as a child so it's just her and her parents. Overall if you're going to name your daughter Drew, look at your society first and think about if it'll work out or not.
― Anonymous User 1/31/2018
I'm really sorry about your bad experience. The other female Drews in this comment section are very pleased with their name. Not every person will like having a name that's considered different. Imagine that the anonymous user was your daughter, and she told the public eye that she didn't like her name, or recommend it for anybody else, or that she never grew to like it later on in life. What if she hated it? When parents give their children generally respectable names, there's no fuss. But, if you give your daughter a predominately male name that only has one female celebrity to make it seem socially acceptable, her peers might be too quick to judge her for having a "boy" name. Parents should be able to name their kids whatever they want. I'm just saying you should think long and hard about it, because unless they change it, they'll have to live with it for the rest of their life. I like Drew on a girl, but I personally wouldn't name her that. It would have to be a nickname. I understand that the first person that comes to mind when people hear Drew is often a boy.
My little brothers name! I love it, I think it's perfect for a successful boy. It's masculine and rolls easily off the tounge. I prefer Drew as an alternative for Andrew any day!
― Anonymous User 6/10/2017
I named my son Drew 11 years ago. I prefer it for a boy. We wanted a short, sporty, strong name. I just love it and so does he!
My name is Drew. I am female. I have met another female called Drew. Short and manly doesn't seem to be a fair analysis for it. It is not common to find another female called Drew but the fact that it has served as a perfectly fine name up until now proves it is just a fine name for a young girl.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2016
Love Drew for a boys name! My son's name is Drew and it's short and manly! Get compliments all the time! People try to pull Andrew all the time and I'm firm with a response "that isn't his name".
For a boy, Drew is a pretty decent name. Certainly far better than Andy. For a girl, well, Drew has become a unisex name and people need to accept that. Sure, it's kinda boyish, but I personally have heard it more on girls than boys. This is a unisex name.
― Anonymous User 3/31/2016
I am a female named Drew and I absolutely love it. I enjoy having a masculine name even though I am not very masculine myself. It allows me to come off as more powerful and headstrong during first impressions and long after. It takes people a minute to get use to the name, making them remember me better and rethinking any assumption they may have made before learning my name. That pause after, "No, it's not short for anything it's just my name," as I stand there smiling is priceless.
― Anonymous User 12/16/2015
I am a female with Drew as a first name. Sure it stinks when you get mail addressed to "Mr." or when people are surprised when YOU'RE Drew, but you get over it once you realize how great of a name it is. I was named after a family friend and she was a Drew, too. It is an empowering first name, short and to the point. It's also unique, I think! My parents told me it was either going to be Drew or Whitney. They did me a favor! My middle name is Lindsay so they balanced it a little bit, but I love being a Drew! :)
It's a great name for a girl. It's modern, unusual and would suit any age. Sure, it's not really feminine, but your name doesn't decide whether you are feminine or not. It's decent, humble and strong (which shouldn't be just masculine qualities to be honest.)
I know a little boy called Drew, its his full name. I like it a lot as a full name as I'm not a big fan of Andrew, but for a girl it's absolutely horrible. I really cannot understand how this name sounds the least but feminine! If you really like Drew, maybe name her Ruby and call her Ru or something. Just because an actress has this name does not make it feminine. This problem has been occurring a lot recently, with names such as Hayden and Blake becoming feminine even though they don't sound girly at all, just because a female celebrity has the name. Quite sad, really. But for a boy, Drew is a nice name that's uncommon but not unheard of, and will age pretty decently.
― Anonymous User 7/13/2013
I always think about Taylor Swift when I see this name from her song. So I automatically think of a dreamy guy who's smart and caring.
My daughter's name is Drew... and it fits her just perfectly. Looking back, I might have given her a more feminine middle name paired with Drew. Overall, love this name on a girl... But I think it's cute for a boy too.
― Anonymous User 11/23/2011
Drew isn't my favorite name in the world, at least for girls. It is my middle name and, while it flows well with my first name (Katharine), it is not my favorite name at all.
― Anonymous User 10/19/2011
I always thought Drew was a bit old-fashioned, like for your Dad (but not old enough for Grandpa) or possibly a much older brother. But my boyfriend goes by Drew (his name is Andrew) and he is 13. So it is starting to grow on me hahaha. Though my friends and I draw a lot, so we use "Drew" (as in the past tense) quite a bit. Though I honestly don't think that negatively affects the name. I could understand using Drew as a NICKNAME for a girl (named Andrea), though it's probably better for a guy. Better than Andy (which could be used for a guy or a girl) when being a nickname for Andrew.
This name is ok as a nickname for a guy. But I can't stand to see it used on girls. What part of it looks feminine? Also, it's a NICKNAME! Would you name your girl... um I dunno, Steve, Will, or Dave?No?Then don't name her Drew.
Love this name on a girl! Some people need to get use to unisex names because hey if you're having the baby, changing diapers, and feeding it you have every right to name your child what you like! Pick Drew for a girl name in my opinion, she may come out to be a movie star!
My name is Drew and I'm a girl. I hate this name because everyone seems to think it's a man name. And that bugs the heck out of me! It's not just a boy name! Jeez! Everyone asks me "isn't that a boy name?" or "is that sort for something like Andrew or Drusilla?" but no! It's just Drew! And they can't seem to deal with that because it's stereotyped as a man name. And every time someone insults that name it makes me mad. My name is Drew. So what? It's like Jordan or Jamie (which by the way is my dad's name) or Kelly. It's meant for females and males.
I love this name as a nickname for Andrew, however I'm not sure if I like it as a proper first name.
― Anonymous User 7/30/2008
You'll hate me for saying this, but I think this nickname of Andrew sucks. It sounds like 'drool', it's identical to the imperfect form of the verb 'draw', and it reminds me of annoying, loud-mouthed, dim-witted, sexist, immature guys who act like asinine frat boys well into their forties. I won't hold the name against a person, but that's what it makes me picture, for reasons I can't quite put my finger on. What I really hate is when people name their DAUGHTERS Drew, inspired by Drew Barrymore, who, if you ask me, is no one to look up to. The name is boyish, and will sound ridiculous on a mature woman.
My name is Drew! I think it is mainly a male name, considering I am a male. The feminine usage has only become popular with Drew Barrymore. Plus, her real name is Andrew! I think Drew is a great name to grow up with. It's not too immature or mature. It's one of those few names where everyone knows how to pronounce it and spell it, but you don't see it as often as you see other names like Tyler, Brandon. Etc. I just hope it doesn't become more popular because I don't want to have an oridinary name. But still, for all of those soon-to-be-parents Drew isn't a bad name.Also my name is not short for Andrew. Although, I get asked that a lot! I still like having a simple short name.
Drew is a nice name for a boy. I wouldn't use it for a girl though.
― Anonymous User 4/28/2006
The name Drew means courageous and masculine. I believe the origin is Greek and it's a strong name. I think it's a really good name that's not too popular either.