My awesome great-grandma's name was Theodora, and this is what people called her. I dig it. (I actually would've also loved it had my parents decided to name me after her; I'd have been the only Theodora in school and could go by Dory. I wound up adopting that as a second middle name for confirmation.)
One of my favorites, it's gorgeous. I love how uncommon it is. I like the s ending too because there aren't many girl's names ending in s. I'll take Doris Vivian, please. Now, as these comments have proven, like all names, Doris isn't for everyone. If you're looking for a substitute, how about Damaris?
I certainly can't help but imagine a nice old lady when I think of the name Doris, but I don't see it as ugly. Not so bad, you would have to get used to hearing the name more often. It gives me the feeling that the Doris' are disappearing. Perhaps today it's not a name very taken into account for parents but you already know what happens with all vintage names: sooner or later they end up reappearing. Maybe in a few years we will see a bunch of girls named Doris running around.
Don't even think about giving this wretched old lady name to a poor innocent baby! Even a pet deserves a better name than this.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2019
I didn't like my name at first. But in high school when I took Latin and learned the Greek mythology behind the name Doris was sea goddess, I grew to love my name. I was named after my mother. There are two famous people I admire with the name Doris; they are Doris Day (originally Doris Kappelhoff) and the writer Doris Kearns Goodwin who received a Pulitzer Prize for History in 1995 for No Ordinary Time: Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt. So I'm proud to carry the name Doris. I've had it for 73 years!
A very underused name today, lovely and sweet. If you like Doris, you should name your daughter Doris, because then she will be the only one among so many Emmas, Avas, and Mias.
― Anonymous User 2/9/2018
My name is Doris. I hated it growing up because it was so rare and people would ask me if my real name was Dorothy. I have only met two people with my name. My Aunt whom I was named after and a girl in school who was a year or two behind me. My husband says he likes my name, thank god, but I would have changed it if I could. My Aunt whom I was named after was killed by her husband so changing my name would have hurt my family. I don't think it is a terrible name, just boring. That's my opinion living with it for 42 years. My name only became interesting when I married my husband because now they forget the first name and ask if I am related to Dolly Parton. My husband is related to her so now it's all about the last name. Lol.
I have a soft spot for this name because it's the name of my late great-aunt. She was such a sweet woman. I think this name is a lot better then all of the modern names today. And I love the meaning.
Apart from maybe Iris, Beatrice, and Bellatrix, I don't usually like names that end in the 's' sound, and this name is admittedly old-fashioned, but I do think the name is pretty. On the other hand, it sounds very girly to me, and by ''girly'', I don't mean ''like the name of a little girl or a teenager'', but rather an ultra-feminine name. Not that there's anything wrong with being feminine, but the image that comes to mind is a woman who always wears dresses and has curly hair and a pretty face, and who only takes interest in traditionally feminine activities. It sounds like the name of a woman who embodies the sexist idea of the ideal woman of the 1950s, quite frankly, and is desperately in need of reclaiming. Maybe this will be popular with more progressive generations one day. Sometimes names are ''resurrected'' like that.
Doris is a lovely, timeless name, not so far off from Doreen or Dora, for those of you who think it too old-fashioned. I like that Doris is a short, no-frills name, and I wouldn't hesitate to bestow it on a daughter. The name given should be one that will be suitable for her entire life, and this is a good choice, and for a young person these days, it's unique without being just silly, as some of the newly thought-up names tend to be.
― Anonymous User 1/6/2008
Sounds like an old lady to me. Not a very nice name for a child!