Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I was named after my aunt. Nickname Dee but my husband nicknamed me Dolo. I do not like the meaning (woman of many sorrows) But like that it is associated with our LORDS mother. I do kind of like Lola, but never before knew that was a nickname for Dolores. I just go by Dee.
Sounds like an old lady name plus the meaning isn’t very nice.
As a none native speaker, my association with this name comes around female characters who represent lost (or dead) ex-wife symbolizing love and beauty which allows their partner to be shrouded in remorse and sorrow. (Nightmare Alley, Shutter Island, Disco Elysium) Good to know about the culture and history of it.
I'm definitely biased because this was my dog's name, but I think Dolores is wonderful!
I was given this name, Delores. It was my birthmother's sister's middle name. I never hated my name, as I was called Lori ever since I could remember. I didn't even know my real name was Delores until I was in 8th grade. Needless to say, I had a very dysfunctional and abusive childhood, to explain why I didn't know prior to.
After learning of my name, I started yet again another school with new "guardians," in a new city, my freshman year of high school. This is when I decided to start using my real name instead of Lori. I did grow up hating the name Lori, but that was because of my upbringing.
Funny thing, often when introduced or meeting someone, they would comment how they had a grandmother by that name. LOL. How do you respond to that?
Most people like it when I tell them my name, I even get compliments on it. It's not very common especially in the Midwest.
I've been called Lola, Lolita, Lori, Delores, Dee, Dell, Dell-Dell. Because of this, I would get asked what name I prefer. My answer was usually, I don't care. But this would not suffice as they wanted to call me what I wanted, but I truly don't care what people call me. It doesn't matter that much to me.
The thing I like about it the most is it isn't very common at all, especially for people my age. And my last name isn't either so I always felt a little set apart (in a weird sort of way.)
I'm glad I have the name and wouldn't change it.
I love this name and see it as a more elegant version of Dorothy/Dorothea. It looks goddess-style to me. I'll associate it with the heroine of Westworld instead of Umbridge. I even didn't remember Umbridge's first name. She is the opposite of the name, like she is also not pink and cute. About the 'sorrow' meaning, basically every Western name is directly related to woeful martyrs. 'sorrow' can be another word for 'success' and 'responsibility', so I like it.
I have had the extreme bad fortune to have been given this name. It happened because my mother didn't like her mother-in-law, after whom I should have been named, according to Italian custom. She named me after movie stars: Dolores Del Rio and Dolores Costello, both of whom are stunningly beautiful, as was my mother. I looked like my father, and I don't think she ever got over it. I have had some of the most painful diseases recorded on earth, including tic doloreaux, or trigeminal neuralgia, one of the most painful conditions known. After the first week of continuous excruciating facial pain, I had this intermittently for two years. I've had many other painful conditions throughout my life. At one point, my mother apologized to me for giving me this name. Now I think you would have to be superstitious in order to believe that a name could influence a person's illnesses or pain, and I'm not generally superstitious, but I've always had the feeling that if I changed my name to my grandmother's name, Lucia, this would stop. What prevented me were professional concerns and publications I've had. I'm now retired so I guess it doesn't matter. I would never give a baby this name. If you look on Pinterest and put in "Mother of Sorrows" you may come across the Virgin Mother with seven swords in her left breast. It is an apt image for a person who has had a left mastectomy, I thought. Don't give this name to your child.
I like the name because of Dolores from Encanto.
It sounds pretty, but I don't like how it means sorrows.
I suspect this will turn into a popular name soon after the success of "Encanto", but I feel it's deserved. It's a great name for a Catholic and it's really cute! I'd much prefer this over the nickname Lola.
Honestly, the name Dolores is absolutely gorgeous, people judge it after they hear its meaning, but most names come from questionable origins, I love the Spanish pronunciation of the name, it sounds like a song.
I think it's such a beautiful name and I love this meaning. It has a good association with the title of Virgin Mary. ❤️❤️.
Oh, what a depressing name.
I find the name Dolores very sexy and my favorite nickname is Lori.
The name is already bad enough, but the name is connected to Umbridge, which makes it even worse.
Cool meaning. Would only use it for a fictional character though.
Why would you name your child after a name that means "Mary of SORROWS"? You want your child to be sad?
I love this name! It's unusual, rare, beautiful, just a strong name with good quality in it! Dolores is a great name!
Good meaning if you want a goth daughter.
It’s pretty.
The meaning is good.
The English pronunciation is ugly and reminds me of Dolores Umbridge, but I think the Spanish pronunciation is very pretty. Most people would pronounce it the English way, though. You'd have to correct people constantly. Also, this name is pretty dated ‒ I like the nickname Lola though.
It's definitely an old fashioned name, and it's not ugly at all, but its meaning is off putting and I just think of Umbridge.
I don't like the meaning of it, but it's a pretty name.
Really sad meaning.
Dolores is a beautiful name and the nickname Lola is adorable.
It is very religious and means “sorrows” but it seems like a very pretty name.
I have never been fond of this name. When I was four and my mother was diagnosed with leukemia, and in the hospital, we stayed with a family friend we called "Aunt Dolores." Luckily we lived there only one month because Aunt Dolores was mean to me. Dolores seems sad and overly-religious, as was my "Aunt". I'll give this name a miss.
I love this name, I think Dolores is a beautiful name. It means Mary of the seven sorrows, but out of sorrow can come beauty. I have named one of my characters Dolores. I want to change my name to this name one day. I also love the way it sounds in Spanish, with one of the nicknames being Dolo, not as popular as Lola or Lolita though. I loved Dolores O'Riordan's music, this being my first real exposure to the name. I think it is classy, dignified, and has many possible nicknames. I also like that it is not popular.
I can't pass over the horrible meaning. It is too austere, religious, serious. I hope that it will not come back.My links with it are Dolores O'Riordan (I prefer Riordan despite being masculine), Dolores Umbridge (a Harry Potter's antagonist) and Dolores, a chatterbox woman in 'El Secreto de Puente Viejo'.I can see it on a woman over 60, never on a baby. Definitely not my thing.
Some of these comments on the name Dolores are horrid. I am English, in my late 20's and my middle name is Dolores. I love it, it is rare in England. I am named after my Nan who is called Dolores, born and raised in Dublin. Her friends call her Dee or Doe. She loves going to Spain, who are much delighted to know we are named Dolores. I have passed on the middle name to my daughter and hope to keep it in the family tradition for girls.
Rough and ugly.
My personal observations of this name is that it has a sweet melodic charm that ignites a fresh image of someone who
has a certain mystery about her and an ageless grace that will suit her throughout the different stages of life. Regardless of the negative impressions of others, I find this name most becoming to any lady from an infant all the way to a dignified lady of august age and grace that befits her name.
I love the name Dolores, which has a much more complicated meaning than most people here are acknowledging. But most of those commenters are probably young or immature; the young and immature tend to think in black and white rather than shades of gray, but most of life is shades of gray (as are the characters in Lolita). I think Dolores is beautiful when pronounced correctly. I haven't read Harry Potter but if people always let horrid people dictate which names they use, there would barely be any names left. [Although I agree that Adolf should be taken out of circulation forever. And Donald, for that matter.]
Very old fashioned, unfeminine, and reminds me of that sad character in the book Lolita.
A very old fashioned and ugly-sounding name. Nothing redeeming about it, including its meaning and the very personal female body part it rhymes with. Thank goodness that no one seems to name their daughter this horrible name anymore.
This name is horrible, for it will always be associated with Dolores Umbridge. My dislike for it isn't even just because she's a villain. I think it was given to her because it already has, at least to me, a negative sound to it even if it wasn't her name. Besides, I actually like the names Draco, Bellatrix, or Natasi -- three other names of fictional villains.
The name sounds antiquated, but is growing on me as the most beautiful and kind woman I know bears this name. The cadence of the name is charming, delicate, and sophisticated, but alas, the meaning... if taken at face value is unfortunate, but I think more personal significance can be written into such a simple word as 'pain.'
I think this name is actually nice and sophisticated. I had an Aunt Dolores who passed away in September. I like this spelling especially.
Everyone associates this name with Dolores Umbridge. You might as well name your daughter Adolf or Osama.
I can't bring myself to enjoy this name very much. Not because it has 'dated' trambled all over it but because it is this name of my most hated character in all of the Harry Potter series; Dolores Umbridge. I'd rather cheer on Lord Voldemort than her.
This is a wonderful name with a pleasing, rhythmic sound. Some names have questionable meanings ("sorrows," "blind," "lame," etc.), but those don't stop them from being beautiful.
The name Dolores was given to 37 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
This is such a pretty name, and it has nice religious connotations. I like this and a lot of other Marian names. It's annoying that people these days associate it with Dolores Umbridge, but some silly book shouldn't color someone's perception of a nice name. Besides, it's not as bad as Draco or Bellatrix.
This is my least favorite name on the planet. It literally means "sorrows". Why would you name your kid that?
Sorry, I'm sure there are some really great Doloreses out there, but that's just my opinion.
Kinda like it, even though it's ugly as hell :/
The first time that I ever met a "Delores" (or "Deloris") is my Uncle's girlfriend. She is Italian-American, I believe. She is insanely sweet and lovable, which I suppose rubbed the name right in my book. It is hopelessly old-fashioned, but I would support a comeback.
I don't really care for this name. First of all, it reminds me of that evil teacher Dolores Umbridge from the Harry Potter books.
Terrible meaning and it doesn't sound exactly beautiful either.
I don't like the fact that this name means "sorrows", and I think it looks weird on an Anglo-American. It sounds better on Hispanic women. No offense.
First things, I associate this name with frumpy, middle-aged women, especially one who 's sitting in a lawn chair, smoking a cigarette.Second, why would anybody choose to name their daughter for a word that means "pain", "sorrow"? You might as well name your daughters "Tristesse", "Souffrance", "Peine", "Aflicción", "Problema", "Mágoa", "Teanntachd", "Stenokhoria", "Sorge", "Qual", "Leidchen", "Múka", and "Góre".And your sons "Galar", "Alaeth", "Èislean", "Brón" / "Bròn", "Dòrainn", "Kummer", "Sorg", "Żal", and "Trud".The aforementioned words-for-names have come from French, Spanish, Portuguese, Gaelic, Welsh, Greek, German, Polish, and Russian.
This name is an okay name, but I think for somebody who speaks English as a native language, and isn't of Spanish, Mexican, (or from any other South American country), or Mediterranean extraction, it sounds a little bit too foreign, especially if it is pronounced Do-lo-rez. Do-lo-ris sounds a little bit more English, and refined. :)
It's a pretty name if you're pronouncing it "Do-lor-es" and not "Do-Lor-ez".
Dolores Umbridge is described as looking like a toad, and loves the colour pink. She is a horrible character, so I can never look at the name Dolores without thinking about her - which is a pity, because I think it's actually a really pretty name.
I don't really see any redeeming features in this name. The nicknames are tacky and ditzy, the name is old-fashioned and quite ugly, and even the meaning is depressing!
Many say the name means pain and sorrow and that is certainly part of the meaning but a Latin American friend told me the name is more than that and actually means "compassion". Compassion is a lovely meaning for a name. Too bad there is not more compassion, then there may be less sorrow. As to meanings of names; what does Chrila, Riley and Apple mean?
Stupid spanish name. Reminds me of my depressing old Spanish teacher.
I don't like the name nor any of its nicknames but Loles, perhaps.
This name is ugly. Dolores is an everyday word that people use in Spanish. It's like when you say "I have a lot of pains", it's an everyday word! I had a friend who's middle name is Dolores, she got pregnnant when she was 14, we would always make fun of her saying "ahora si que va tener muchos Dolores" (now she's going to have a lot of pains). Although I have to say I prefer the Basque form of this name Nekane.
This name is starting to grow on me.However, I don't like when people say it like "Do-LOHR-is", because it sounds ugly that way. I do, however, love the meaning of the name. It's quite pretty, and no, I am not dark-loving and creepy, but I find that a pretty cool meaning for a name.
My grandmother's name is Dolores. I always have nice thoughts about this name whenever I hear or see it.
For some reason, I find this name absolutely hideous.
Sad meaning, but very pretty name!
It is too bad that such a beautiful name means sorrow. This name is a bit heavy and matronly for a child, so I think that one of its many nicknames would be suitible until adulthood.

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