My name is Dina. The best thing about the name Dina is that it's very international. I was born half Russian/half Kazakh and in both of these cultures the name Dina exists. In Russian it's short for Diana, in Kazakh it's short for Dinara. Now I live in the UK, and this name is known here too. Since it's a Slavic, Scandinavian, Indian, Arab, Jewish, European, American name, it is international and free from prejudice. For example when my Middle Eastern landlord read my name on paper, she thought that I was Middle Eastern too and accepted me before she learned I wasn't, same with job interviews. People feel close to those similar to them, and since my name is so international, they assume that I am from the same place as them. It's an easy to say name too. Also, there are not so many Dinas in the world, I certainly haven't met someone other than me yet with that name. This is good news because it means that no one really had any bad previous experience with someone with that name. It's unique! I would recommend it for mixed race children like myself because I would not suit any traditional Russian name, my eyes give away my Mongolian roots. This sums up Dina for me.
I have a cousin named Dina, she is 13. I don't know any other Dina's, and never have. Even when I was younger I thought this was a weird name, but still none the less ok. :)
I think this name sounds so really beautiful. I love it. A friend of mine has a cousin named Dina, and she pronounce it "DInna" and not "DIIna" as I always thought it sounded like. Well, I was wrong.
― Anonymous User 9/8/2007
When I hear this name it makes me think "Dina the dinosaur". Not sure why, but it makes it all the more unflattering.
― Anonymous User 9/7/2007
Dina, Mina, Nina, Rina, Tina, etc. There's a whole bunch of names with the INA ending. It's starting to get boring in my opinion.
My friend's name is Dina, and personally I love the name. She has a twin sister named Mina, and in Swedish Dina and Mina means "yours" and "mine". Well, their parents didn't know that when they moved to Sweden from Turkey, so... But I still think both of the names are beautiful. =)