'Devin' also means 'diviner' or 'soothsayer' in French (as far as my limited French goes). Likely not where it originated from as a name, but still a cool meaning to note!
Devin may come from the Irish "dáimhín", ('daw-veen') meaning 'little poet'. (Devon is the county in southwestern England, that spelling is likely a shortening of the English surname "Devonshire" and unrelated to "Devin".)
Devin is also a masculine name of Turkish origin; pronounced the same way and meaning an intellectual, strong, or "new" as in change or revolution. It is my son's name. Many similar or identical names appear in both Turkish and Gaelic, as the Celts were amongst the earlier settlers of Galatia in the highlands of modern Turkey. Many of the names have continued on in modern Turkish society. Along with the occasional curly haired redhead. :-)