Oh that’s wicked cool, I would have been so jazzed to have a classmate named Demon, or even an uncle or grandfather. Genuinely so cool. Maybe not in heavily christian areas since I’m sure some people would give a person named anything they think is ‘demonic’ a hard time, but I think most laid-back, metropolitan, and or secular areas and groups would be cool with it. But even so, most people will hear a name before seeing it and “deh-mun” just sounds like a variant of Damon, Damian, or Devon, all very normal. Dem or Demy would be great nicknames :)
Awesome name. Definitely not for the faint of heart. I'd totally use it, most likely as a middle name because of all the hate I'd get from law-abiding Christians otherwise lol.
Not really used anymore. I recently heard of a man with this name and it was pretty bad. He named his son August, though, so I guess he has better taste than his parents? The meaning 'the people' is associated with demagogues, democracy, and it is Ancient Greek so I do not know if anyone names their son this anymore. I would personally use Damon, which lacks bad associations and is used enough in the modern world to be recognizable while having roots from Greek mythology.
I AM a Christian and I plan to name my first born son Demon. It's not a bad name and to me it sounds great. Demons are what we face that make us stronger, meaning a Demon is obviously strong in the first place. Plus, in Greek, Demon means something completely different from the Demon you normally hear about in horror stories and bibles. I also plan to name my kid Demon so he can prove to people that it doesn't matter what name you have, people need to stop judging based off of names and accept people for who they are.
I cannot believe that this is a real name.Does this sound kind of feminine? Not trying to offend.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2013
Who would name their poor child this? Are there actually people named Demon?! Imagine introducing them: "this is my little Demon"
― Anonymous User 1/28/2013
I think this would be a nice name but I would never use it. It would be associated with the 'evil spirit' Demon more than the 'the people' meaning of Demon. If you really want to use this then change it and warp it a bit so people don't think of evil spirits.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2011
Damon's a good alternative. I honestly think this name isn't *that* bad, considering it has nothing to do with the word 'Demon' except by how it's spelled.
― Anonymous User 10/24/2009
I like the name and the meaning (people), but I wouldn't name my kid this.
I like names that sound similar to Demon (Damian, Devin) but even if the name isn't meant to represent a demon from Christian or Jewish beliefs, I wouldn't name any of my kids that.
It has a good meaning, but nobody would know that unless you tell them. There will obviously be a lot of teasing in school, and prejudice in the general public who will assume the worst of the parents, or the poor kid, who will have to work hard to make his name a misnomer. Go with Damian, or search up another name with a similar meaning if you like it beyond the association.
Why would you name your kid this? Don't you know that when the child gets to that certain age, he is going to keep asking you "Mom and Dad, why did you name me Demon if you know that it means evil spirit?" This name will be especially terrible if the child attends church or some religious event. Of course there will be teasing in school, and just about everyone will associate it with being "evil". I would be very surprised if a boy named Demon married a girl named Angel.
― Anonymous User 5/15/2009
I think you'd have to be pretty weird to name your child Demon, but the comments from people gasping about it being a disgrace to God to name your child this made me giggle confusedly. It's not a good name, but honestly, it's not THAT terrible! I'm sure God isn't that hypersensitive. It has an interesting sound, but quite honestly, you shouldn't treat your child like something horrible by naming them this. It will follow them their whole life.
I don't know, I don't think it's really that horrible of a name, considering it's pronounced more like "deh-monn". The only thing wrong with it in English society is the obvious controversial spelling. I think if a person wanted to name their child this, they would just have to be creative and come up with an alternative spelling for it.
I bet most of the people who say that we shouldn't be so offended by this name means "the people" instead of "evil spirit" probably wouldn't have known that if it hadn't been on the previous screen. Besides, just because the info page says that it means one thing doesn't mean that that is the only meaning. As this is a word name, the definition of the word is also an applicable meaning.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2008
Demon is not a name that I would like to hear my child called.
This would be such a fun name to give a child just to see people's reactions, but it's not like I'd actually do such a thing. See, if you did such a thing, people would assume that the parents are either members of some weird Satanic cult, immature teen parents who thought it would be funny, or some type of angst-ridden contrarians who feel the need to piss people off for the sake of pissing them off, and who hate people on principle and want everyone to notice it. Also, the poor guy would probably face discrimination of all sorts.
Please, please, PLEASE no. Even if it doesn't mean "evil spirit", (which, by the way, most people your son will meet will think it means) calling your son "the people" makes it seem as if he has multiple personalities. I'd do with Dexter or Damien if I were you.
Even though this may not be the "Demon" of Christianity, the Christian majority of the world will think so, and all hell will break loose. I guess it's an okay name, but I wouldn't name my kid it.
Yeah sure, it's not the devil. But come ON - anyone immediately thinks of that when a kid is called Demon. No one will think it means something else, unless they tell them. Sorry, but this name is so hard to make work.
People we are talking about ancient Greek not English! Not only does it have nothing to do with god and the devil and blah blah blah, but the e is soft like in "end" so it's pronounced more like Damon. It's a good name, don't knock it!
Yes, it means "the people", not "Evil Spirit", so it isn't to offend Christians or Jewish people. However, I wouldn't use it on a person, as many people would get the wrong message.
Jeez, people, don't have a cow. The name isn't meant to be an insult to your stupid religion. It's just a name. And the name just so happens to NOT represent the "demon" of Christianity. So quit freaking out over it.
― Anonymous User 7/26/2006
I agree with the above statement. The name itself ISN'T meant as a "demon" in the Christian sense, it's derived from the Greek word for "people".I wouldn't name a kid this, though, because of the conclusions stupid people would jump to. Also, there might be dumb "speed demon" jokes, and your kid would hate you.
Well, what better way for a satanist to be called Demon. I'm guessing it is the opposite of Angel, a much more acceptable name in society these days. Anyone who calls their kid Demon will hurt their kids in such a horrendous way as to almost kill the kid, seriosly who the hell would name their kid Demon! What corrupt and self-dellusional parents they must be!
― Anonymous User 7/21/2006
An interesting choice of name though not one I would personally use. I could see someone of the occult or a goth using this name however.
I would nevvvvvvvvver name a child Demon. It is insulting to god our creator. He created you and you name your child after a person who hates god your heavenly father and even you. Whoever names their kid this should be a ashamed.
Maybe not in heavily christian areas since I’m sure some people would give a person named anything they think is ‘demonic’ a hard time, but I think most laid-back, metropolitan, and or secular areas and groups would be cool with it. But even so, most people will hear a name before seeing it and “deh-mun” just sounds like a variant of Damon, Damian, or Devon, all very normal.
Dem or Demy would be great nicknames :)