Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I hope your last name is Ful, because you’re delightful. :)
This name is such a Delight! I love it :)
Why not just use a name that means Delight?
I love Delight for a name, I think it's beautiful! It's such a sweet name, because a baby is always a Delight :)
I agree Breathe J. I love it a lot, it is so cute and beautiful, and actually it ages well. A person is a great Delight!
Ridiculous name.
Uhhh it's okay... I guess?
I actually think this is very cute, but it is quite youthful. It might be a better choice as a nickname for a child with a "De" name, rather than something official on paper.
I’m the weirdest person in the world but... I love the name Delight! I wouldn’t use it though because it reminds me of porn stars.
As a middle name it's cute, but not a name the bearer has to deal with daily.
This is really weird, and I wouldn't recommend using this as a middle name for another word name because then you get things like "Dawn Delight".
There are some words names that I'm okay with because they sound alright, even if the meaning's a bit odd. This is not one of those names.
Reminds of of the Delightful Children From Down The Lane in KND. I would advise anyone interested in 'Delight' to use it as a middle name, just not as a first name. ఠ__ఠ.
I prefer the spelling "Delite".
In high school, my mom had a friend named Delight. I think it's pretty strange to be used as a name. It could work as a middle name though.
Delight is tacky, trashy, and ugly. It sounds like the name of a porn star or a stripper.
This is a total stripper name. Don't name your kids this. In fact, don't name a character in your book this--unless they're a stripper or prostitute.
Never name your kid this.
Corny, tacky, embarrassing, difficult to live with, and a serious hindrance to being taken seriously.
I think this isn't much of a name. While Delight isn't as bad as something like happy. You'll get cracks about it often.

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