Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very strong and handsome! I would use Dashiell in a heartbeat!
It is a unisex 70s name.
Lovely beautiful name with a beautiful meaning. If I had a boy one day I might name him this.
I'm starting to like it; very unisex 50s style name. Dash-sheel.
My fiance's name is Dashiell after Dashiell Hammett and I absolutely love it, my mom almost used it for my little brother actually. I will say Dash is definitely "cool" but Dashiell has quite the regal sound to it. We pronounce it Dash-elle.
My name is Dashiell and I’m a girl. For me, it’s pronounced Day-Shell. I didn’t like it when I was younger because it's just a little random lol, but now that I’m older, I go by Dash which is cool and when people hear the way it’s pronounced they like it :)
It’s okay, but a little unusual. I know a cute little boy with this name and he goes by Dash! ;)
My son has Dashiell as a name.
Firstly the registrar said we had spelt it wrong, and then we have to pronounce it to everyone da-sheel.
We and he love it!
I'm not familiar with it but the few times that I've heard it, was on a snobbish, upperclass man or a preppy teenager.
This name is one of my favorites! It's so cute and adorable. This is another name I want to name a child in the future! :)
If you spell it "Dashiel" it's more like Daniel and less out-there.. that's my plan if I get to use it! :)
When I first saw this name, I wasn't sure how to pronounce it. It does look a bit feminine, too. It's just not my style.
One of my favorite boy names of all time! Would use this in a heartbeat, with the nickname Dash. I just hope it won't spike up in popularity and be rendered too trendy for my use before I have kids. The downside for me would probably be the unknown meaning- I'd typically like for the names I choose to have good meanings and be rooted in history. But Dashiell Hammett is a great literary namesake, so there's that, at least.
I thought it was pronounced Dash-ee-yell. Since nobody can agree on its pronunciation, it would be easier to just call him Dash.
It's an ugly, pretentious name, and all the nicknames will surely be crap.
Well, that's you. To me, this doesn't sound pretentious at all. In fact, it's not even complicated to say. DASH-il. And I happen to think the nickname Dash is rather cool.
I personally love this name, I heard somewhere that it means "of heaven" but I could be wrong.
He'd inevitably be called Dash. I don't like the ending either.
I like the name, and it's my cousin's name (a girl). But almost everyone mispronounces it. The most common is Dash-SHEEL.
My name is Dashiell and I never liked my name when I was younger. It's kinda grown on me now and I like it more and more. Though I've never understood why people think it sounds masculine, I'm a girl and I've only heard of one person with my name that's a girl.
I went from strongly disliking this name to loving it! It's really grown on me over time. I think it's a very handsome name.

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