So, I know there's a lot of people saying that Danielle should be pronounced Dan-EE-el, but since my name is also Danielle, I disagree. It's French in origin, so the Dan-yell pronunciation is what I go by. Others have their preferences, but I just don't like the Dan-EE-el pronunciation. It just doesn't feel right to me.
My name is Danielle and to be honest I absolutely hate it, it just doesn't suit me. So everyone I know calls me Dani except for one teacher who can really get on my nerves because she pronounces my name Dan-yell and I get really annoyed because I don't understand how people call it that because there is no "Y" in it. I pronounce it Dani-elle, pretty simple. Some people I know don't even know that my full name is Danielle because I am that secretive about it.
― Anonymous User 10/17/2017
My name is Danielle. Pronounced Dan-E-L. Whenever anyone calls me Dan-yall it makes my skin crawl... I loathe it... but I tolerate it. (if that makes sense)Obviously there are two variations of pronunciation - some prefer it one way - others the other... Usually I encourage people to call me Dani or Dan - that way my name does not get mispronounced. The meaning of the name is "God is my Judge".
I was born in 1994 as well and in my country the name can be pronounced as DAN-ee-yell or DAN-yell, doesn't really make a big difference, its basically the same. I love my name. The most common nickname for Danielle, is Dani pronounced DAN-ee.
My name is Danielle, and it's pronouced dan-yell. I think that's the way most Canadians pronounce it. My name being pronounced dan-e-elle doesn't bother me because it's hardly noticable when talking to someone else (maybe it's my accent). Anyways, what drives me be crazy is when people accidentally call me Daniel. That happens a lot.