Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Super pretty! I like this better than Daniela! Still prefer Danielle, though.
Don’t call your sons Daniel, call your daughters Daniella.
Daniella is probably my number one girl's name. I love its nickname Dani, and it's so pretty as a full name. When I first heard this name, I fell in love with it.
This name is beautiful. I named my daughter Daniella and we call her Dani for nickname. She loves it. I named her after my father Danny, she was born almost a year after he died. Lots of people want to call her Danielle though. It drives my husband nuts.
I have a cousin with this name. I personally love this name, and it is pretty similar to my name! I think the a adds femininity to the name, and the nickname Dani is adorable. This name is so pretty and graceful.
My name is Daniella, I am a nerd but who cares, I hate it when people call me Danielle, hate that name. Before I was born my mother wanted to call me Danielle but when I was born she thought it sounded too boyish so she called me Daniella, my personal nickname is Dani. Thanks for reading.
I don't like or hate his name but I prefer Danielle, it suits both kids and adults.
Daniella is such a pretty name. I consider naming my daughter this in the future.
Babyish name.
Such a pretty name because the name Danielle sounds/looks a lot like Daniel the boys name and Daniella seems more elegant. Some nicknames are Danie, Elle and Ella.
Daniella is a pretty name, it is way better than plain old Danielle.
My name is Daniella and I think it's one of a kind. I like it better than Danielle. I really love my name but I hate it when people pronounce it dan-yella. It's supposed to be pronounced dan-E eLuh. I also like my name because I have many nicknames, my favorite one is Danie.
I like this a lot better than Danielle for some reason. Maybe because it's not so over-used.
I don't really like this name, I prefer the more simple Danielle.
Daniella is a beautiful, unusual alternative to Danielle.

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