Though in German "ie" is normally pronounced like a long "ee" in most words, the name Daniela is not pronounced that way. I guess it is because of the origin of the name: Hebrew, not German (The name would be spelled Danila, without the e, if you pronounced it as it is said on this website.) It is very similar to the Polish pronunciation. Daniela in German is pronounced "Dahn-ye-lah". The first a is like the u in the word stuck (I couldn't think of a better example, sorry). The emphasis lies on the e (Dahn-yE-lah. The last syllable is pronounced like you would in the Enlgish pronunciation of the name. [noted -ed]
It is very similar to the Polish pronunciation.
Daniela in German is pronounced "Dahn-ye-lah". The first a is like the u in the word stuck (I couldn't think of a better example, sorry). The emphasis lies on the e (Dahn-yE-lah. The last syllable is pronounced like you would in the Enlgish pronunciation of the name. [noted -ed]