Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I am named Dania, it means close to the heart in Arabic and it is written in the Qur'an. In Hebrew it means God is my judge. Its pronounced Dan-Yah just like Tania but replace the T with D and there is a beach named Dania which is kinda awesome. If you are named Dania and live in a country which this name is kinda uncommon its normal if allot of people cant pronounce it for exemple I get called Talia Tania Diana Nadia Dana and even Daniella or Danielle or they prounouce it Don-ya Don-yuh, Day-na.
I know a Russian boy who uses it as a nickname for Daniel.
One of my classmates has this name, and she's the first Dania that I've met. I think it's really pretty and stands GREAT on its own, rather than a nickname for another name.
I would use it ONLY as a nickname for Daniela.

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