I don't care for this name for a boy or girl. It always reminds me of that child star who was hooked on drugs. Most of the people I know with this name are trash.
― Anonymous User 9/28/2018
All the girls I knew named Dana were like Dana Plato in more ways than one. The boys named Dana were usually effeminate and got made fun of in the schoolyard.
― Anonymous User 7/4/2018
I have chosen to go by Dana (I pronounce it day na) which is my middle name. I love it!
― Anonymous User 5/12/2018
Okay, it is pronounced DAH-naa not dayna. And the name is dutch, just saying.
― Anonymous User 9/21/2017
This is such an ugly name that reminds me of a caveman.
I like this name a lot pronounced as DAH-nah, it is like an alternative to the overused Donna. I think I will name a book character this. I don't like it pronounced DAY-na, that to me is a last name (Any one else remember the Dana Girls Mysteries?)
― Anonymous User 4/22/2013
I was ALMOST named Dana (Dana For A Day, my mom always says) and I wish I had been. Instead, I got stuck with Megan, which is overly popular and I hate it, a lot. I'd much rather be named Dana, it's very pretty and I don't know anybody who goes by it.