Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Damaris Hayman 1929-2021 was an English actress.
Damaris Phillips is the host of "Southern at Heart" on the Food Network. She won the network's "Next Food Network Star" competition in 2013.She uses the duh-MAIR-is pronunciation, unfortunately.
American supermodel Damaris Lewis (born 1990 in New York City).
There's a Song by Patrick Wolf called "Damaris". It's the third single from his fourth album "The Bachelor".
There is a character named Damaris in inkling Charles Williams's novel The Place of the Lion.
Damaris is the name of the kender girl Tasslehoff Burfoot is promised to marry in the Dragonlance novel "Kendermore". However, she winds up marrying Tas's Uncle Trapspringer, instead. ;-)
A book by Janette Oke is called A Woman Named Damaris. Damaris is, obviously, the name of the main character.

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