Comments (Usage Only)

Other forms of this name include Cyneburh, Cyneburga, Kinborough, Kyneburga, Kyneburg, Kinburga, Kinbarra, Kinbora, Kenborowe, Kenbora, Kimbrah, Kimborough, Kimbery, Kimberry, Kymbra, Kynborow and Kinbura.Pronunciations:
Cyneburh - KOON-uh-būrkh (The 'būrkh' has a long u sound in it like "nurse" and the 'kh' is a raspy breathy sound at the back of the tongue like the ending of saying the German word "ich")
Kenbora, Kenborowe - KEN-buh-ruh
Kimbery, Kimberry - KIM-buh-ree
Kimborough - KIM-buh-ruh
Kimbrah, Kymbra - KIM-bruh
Kinborough, Kinbarra, Kinbora, Kinbura, Kynborow - KIN-buh-ruh
Kinburga - KIN-būrg-uh (The 'būrg' has a long u sound in it like "nurse")
Kyneburg - KĪN-būrg (The 'KĪN' has a long I sound in like "fly" and the 'būrg' has a long u sound in it like "nurse")
Kyneburga - KĪN-būr-guh (The 'KĪN' has a long I sound in like "fly" and the 'būr' has a long u sound in it like "nurse")(Sources: (See the document "English Compound Names" for the entry on the name 'Kinbura')
Sheard, K.M., 2011 Llewellyn's Complete Book of Names: For pagans, witches, wiccans, druids, heathens, mages, shamans & independent thinkers of all sorts who are curious about names from every place and time, Llewellyn's Publications, Woodbury, Minnesota, USA, pages 330,605, 606, 622, 642 and 643)

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