Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I am 75 years old and my name is Cozette. My uncle was in France in World War 2 and he suggested the name to my mother. In elementary grade school, one of my classmates called me Kotex...ONE TIME ONLY! Haha! And, yes, I have read Les Miserables and watched the movie. My husband of 51 years has called me Cozy from the beginning and then my family did too. In all these years, I have only met one person with this name, but it is her middle name, so she had to introduce herself. I have always liked my name, except in 6th grade, but I learned early on that I couldn't get away with anything because everyone knew who I was!
Very beautiful French name.
I love this name a lot! I don’t know much about Les Miz, but the sound and meaning just feel unique and pretty to me. I think it’s both elegant and cute, and it has a quick sharpness to it that grants it a lot of character, I like the nicknames Cosi and Sette :D.
Reminds me of the word cozy, quite cozy itself! Excellent name.
I think Cosette is a gorgeous name. It is elegant, feminine, and sounds classy and modern at the same time.
My name is Cosette and I went the first 12 years of my life without meeting anyone else with this name. I love my name deeply but more people should learn how to spell it. I have had teachers get it wrong! Also what it says in the rules about kids reading about their own name, this is true. As a teenager reading about my own name, I am not a spoiled lapdog.
I think this name is beautiful and elegant! I can see it suiting every age and Etta and Ettie can be cute nicknames. I wonder if it may start to get more popular with other "ette" names rising.
This name makes me think of a spoiled lapdog. I've even had the misfortune of meeting a bratty Pekingese with this name.
I don't really like this name. It feels a little too frilly, I guess? I prefer Colette or Cosima. Though, if you are planning on naming a child or character after Cosette from Les Miz, good for you. I like that book/musical/play/movie, even if I don't really like the name.
The sound of it is fine, but it reminds me of corsets and it doesn't even sound like a legitimate name.
I love the meaning. The sound of it ain't half bad neither.
This name reminds me of cassata, certainly seems kind of fruity and colorful. I don't think Cozy is a good nickname though, it sounds like someone who is lazy, like getting too cozy in bed.
I think Cosette is a beautiful name, and I like Cosi / Cozi as nicknames. I knew a Cosette nicknamed Cosi in college, and she was delightful. Quite theatrical, befitting of her name, which was chosen because her parents were French literature professors who loved Victor Hugo.
Les Miserables is my dad's favorite movie, play, and book. He named me after the lead character Cosette. I love that name and I've never met anyone with that name and usually people have never met someone with that name either, so I am honored when they say that because they're always going to remember me because of my name. My nickname is Cosi and my best friends and family members call me that and I only let certain other people call me that because if I don't know you that well, I don't want you calling me something important to me.
My middle name is Cosette, but this is the name I go by. A lot of my family and friends call me "Cozy". I've heard that the name means "victorious", "victorious people", "little one", "little thing", and is the female, French equivalent of Nicholas. I think it is a beautiful name. I started going by my first name for a while because people would always forget my name or mispronounce it. After some time I started going by Cosette again because I missed it. I think it's pretty and many people have said that they liked it. I'm so glad my mom picked it! My mom says that she didn't pick the name based on Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, but because of our French blood (although she does love the play and movie). I like that the name isn't common... I also think that it shouldn't be considered a "pet name" (but that's only my opinion).
My name is Cozyette (the y is silent). My mother knew a girl with the same name spelled the same way and she was called Cozy. It has been difficult telling people my name because it is so unusual but I love reading about others with the same name! We named our first daughter Nicole because of the connection between the 2 names. I'm also a fan of Les Mis, even though that's not where my mother heard my name. I like to think its true meaning is "victorious"!
Our daughter is called Cosette. We knew that it is a name often given to animals in the USA but asked French friends what they thought and, after some discussion, they agreed that it was a lovely and quite unusual name, and had no reserves about its use.We never yet saw any coffee cups, pens, key-rings etc. In souvenir ships with this name of it and our daughter likes it. She even has the email address "Cosette at (one of the big providers). X" which is saying something. Try getting another forename without another 6 numbers after it ;-)
The name Cosette was actually given to 85 baby girls born in the US in 2012.
It's weird. I read some of the comments saying that Nicole is a form of Cosette and that is my middle name
(Cosette Nicole), I wonder if my parents knew that *~*
My name is Cosette and a lot of people say it is a beautiful name, but it is annoying when people mispronouce it and call me rosette and hosette! I am 12 and my friends and family sometimes call me cozy, which is fine. I think it is a good name, but sometimes I can dislike it :(
I love this name better than "Colette." It's classic, feminine, sweet and simple. And who doesn't like Cosette from Les Miserables.
My name is Cosette and I think it's beautiful. My mom was pregnant with me when she went to see it in New York. It works! I'm Black and it sounds and looks perfect on me. And I love to write it, lolz.
I love this name but it sounds too much like cassette.
Oh, and it looks like "corsette" to the anglophone eye.
Les Miserables is my mom's favorite play and she named me Cozette after Cosette. I think Cosette is a beautiful name and it means a lot to me because my brother's name was Nicholas, and those two names are nicknames for each other my mom tells me.
I think that Cosette is a pretty name. I have never met a person with the name Cosette. I don't think that many people know about it. It's very different and unique. I beleive that it is French.

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