Possibly a form of the Welsh name Creurdilad (see CREIDDYLAD) altered by association with Latin cor "heart" (genitive cordis), used by the chronicler Geoffrey of Monmouth in the 12th century. However, in adapting the Welsh name to Cordeilla, Geoffrey made it unrecognizable to his Welsh translators. It was borrowed by Shakespeare in the form Cordelia. Variants included Cordaila, Cordeil, Cordeill, Cordell, Cordella, Cordeyl, Cordeylla, Cordile, Cordilla, Cordoilla, Cordoille, Cordoylla, Cordyla, Cordylle.(Information from name #36963 originally submitted by user erb816)
― Anonymous User 4/26/2021
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Variants included Cordaila, Cordeil, Cordeill, Cordell, Cordella, Cordeyl, Cordeylla, Cordile, Cordilla, Cordoilla, Cordoille, Cordoylla, Cordyla, Cordylle.
(Information from name #36963 originally submitted by user erb816)