Connie is a name that I have always loved for a girl. This classy name has a warm, no-nonsense, homely feel to it and sounds beautifully girly. I do love Connie as a nickname for the name Constance, but I've always preferred it as a standalone...there's just something so sweet and elegant about it, that I can't resist. I know of a few older women named Connie, and they have all been joys to be around. If I ever had a daughter, I'd name her Connie in a heartbeat- my favorite combination has to be Connie Adella (and has been for a few years).
People have used this name on me (a male named Constantine). As all the Connies I knew were female, I never liked it for myself. I've no problem with any other guy who does. Ask him first, though. As for me, the full name, please! It won't kill you.
Connie is a cute name. I prefer it as a full name as I don't really care for "Constance" as it just seems a bit too strong and timely. I associate it with the Steven Universe character and she is one of my favorites as she is independent and strong-willed but caring, so I think of that (:
Connie is my first name and I was aware that there were some men who also have my name. A lot of people think it's short for Constance, but it's not. I was born in July of 1965 and that seems to have been a popular time for my name. I'm not shy, mousy, boring, constipated or any of those sad descriptions, lol. But I guess everyone has a preconceived idea of just about everyone and everything. Names included. I have been called Constance by an old boyfriend but that was a term of endearment.
This name is so cute. :3 An adorable sibling name would be Bonnie. ^__^
― Anonymous User 10/19/2015
Whereas Constance sounds gracious, grownup, and bold, Connie to me sounds childish, small, and unworldly. I've known some very nice girls with this name, but they've not helped any in thinking that this is a name for a weak, helpless little girl.
I have never liked this name. This is the type of name people choose for mousy, wallflower-y, nerdy, or unattractive female characters in TV shows and stories. It doesn't exactly sound like the name of a lively, fun, interesting person. Constance is better.